Chapter 12

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This Chapter is dedicated to @missytasah Thank you for your reads and likes.

Zoey's POV

"Yes, I am excited about getting married, I mean this is the man of my dreams" I say with a smile. Looking up at Yolanda.

I called her about a week ago asking her to be my maid of honour, yes it was done after numerous times of trying to get a hold of Elizabeth, but I failed. So here I am at my favourite coffee place with Yolanda, my friend since highschool.

"Wow, I really can't believe that you are getting married, I really thought you would end up with Xavier" She says, slightly shrugging her shoulders.

"I know, it's unbelievable, I'll be changing my last name from Prinket to Walsh, but I'm excited nevertheless" I say, lying through my teeth.

Yes, over the past week Tyron and I have been spending considerable amounts of time together, but he seems like he isn't interested in that way. We agreed to be friends but that's it. Outside the house we are in love but inside we 'tolerate' each other.

I hug Yolanda and leave, we will meet up tomorrow for her dress fitting. I haven't spoken to Tyron about who his best man is yet, but I promised Yolanda that he will be handsome.

Arriving home, I throw myself on top of the coach, tired as hell and stressed as hell, in a week I'll be Zoey Avery Walsh. Goodbye Prinket.

I hear a knock on my door and groan in annoyance, the plan was to lock myself in here for the rest of the day.

"Mam, Mrs Evelyn is here to see you and Mr Walsh" the maid says.

I stand up as fast as lightning when I realize that I was in the spare bedroom and that Mrs Evelyn was going to question me about it. Glancing at the mirror, I brush my hair with my hands and go downstairs.

I see Mrs Evelyn on the couch talking to Tyron, I didn't even know that he was home.

"Zoey dear, you look terrible" Mrs Evelyn says and I stand there not knowing how to reply to her forwardness.

"Hi Mrs Evelyn, I think it's the stress of the wedding" I say, standing nervously, not knowing what to do next.

Tyron stands up and circles his hand around my waist, gently kissing my forehead, trying to ignore the turning of my stomach, I look up at him and smile.

"Good evening baby, how was your nap?" he asks smiling down at me. He said it so sweetly, I almost believed it.

"It was okay, I didn't think you'd come back early"

"And leave my soon to be wife all alone and sick? Nothing is more important." he says looking at me with so much warmth. Was I imagining the softness of his eyes these days?

"Get a room you two. How far is the tailor with your dress?" Mrs Evelyn asks, pulling me out of the love trance I was in.

"She said I can pick up the dress tomorrow when I take Yolanda for her dress measurements." I say, a bit flustered because of Tyron's tightened grip around my waist.

"Baby, can we talk a bit?" Tyron asks.

I look up at him, trying to decipher his facial expression. Following him to the kitchen I lean against the stove, waiting for him to speak.

"Who is Yolanda?" Tyron asks breaking the silence.

"My friend from highschool, I asked her to be my maid of honour. I tried getting a hold of Elizabeth, but I couldn't. So I called Yolanda." I say, as calmly as possible.

"When were you gonna tell me this?"

I looked at him in shock, why is he acting like this?

" I was gonna tell you, but I was waiting for her approval, I only met with her earlier today." I say.

"Who else do you meet with when I'm not here, I want you to myself and to no one else. Do you hear me." Tyron says walking out.

I've known Tyron for long, but this possessive side, I don't remember coming across.

I walk out of the kitchen, taking a deep breath. Let me go back to Mrs Evelyn.

I bite the piece of BBQ chicken softly moaning when the flavour bursts into my taste buds, swallowing and immediately going in for the next bite.

I look up to see Tyron starring at me with a smirk on his face, I haven't uttered a word to him since his possessive nature surfaced. I wonder why he is looking at me with this sinister look.

He slowly leans in and uses his thumb to wipe the residue of the chickens BBQ sauce on the side of my lip. Still maintaining eye contact he licks the sauce of his thumb, and with a wink, he stands up and before moving he speaks.

"My mother also wanted to drop off our early Anniversary gift, our honeymoon to the Maldives. I really can't wait to see you naked again."

Oh my goodness, are my knickers wet?


Hello lovely readers, thank you for reading chapter 12. I hope you enjoyed it. Chapter 13 will either be the wedding or the day before the wedding.

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