Chapter 1: The Beginning of everything

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~Congratulations Izuku Midoriya you have obtained your quirk The Gamer at the age of five, a little late, unlike other kids and only some things are currently unlocked due to your current age and level but at least you have a Quirk now!~

Izuku stared up at the translucent green screen in front of him with wonder and amazement, he had finally gotten his quirk!

He cannot wait to tell his mother, but before he can even get up out of bed the first green screen disappeared and another one took its place.

~Hello and welcome to your new life Izuku! You have a new quest to complete so open your menu and go see what it is!~

"Okay but how do I open the Menu?" young Izuku asked out loud, hoping that something would happen.

Luckily for him, the minute he says 'Menu' out loud, a new screen popped up in front of him! It was the 'Menu' and it had a picture of himself in his pajamas with writing both above his picture and below it. The words above his picture were tabs labeled:

Stats, Inventory, Relationships, Money, Customization, Settings, Perks, Quests, Map, Worlds, Skills, Info, Powers, and the last one said Past Lives.

Little Izuku doesn't understand all those words above his picture, even if he was smart for his age. He resolved to ask his mother what everything meant after he finished his first quest. Nodding to himself, he then decided to look at what it said underneath his picture.

~Izuku Midoriya (The Gamer)~

Age 5

{Level: 1/????

Health 100/100

Stamina 100/100

EXP: 0/50

STR: 3

END: 5

DEF: 7(+2%)

DEX: 5

INT: 12

CHA: 9(+5%)

WIS: 11

WILL: 10

PER: 7

LU: 10

AP: 0}

Huh? Well his stats weren't too bad if he thought about it, except for his STR (Strength)which was his lowest Stat - but why do two of his Stats have things in parentheses next to them?

He decided to try clicking on his CHA (Charm) Stat and a new window greeted him, floating in the air before him and glowing faintly in the dark room.

~Your Charm Stat is how charming and cute you are to others around you. It helps you to get people to do what you want them to do.

This Stat currently has a bonus due to apparatus currently equipped on your person. For more information go to the Info Tab.~

Izuku looked down at himself, puzzling over what apparatus meant when it suddenly clicked, his pajamas! It had to be what he's wearing because his mom always told him how cute he looked in his All Might onesie!

"So, my pajamas increase my DEF and my CHA by certain amounts - does that mean anything I wear will give me certain bonuses?" Izuku said and then a new screen popped up in front of him before he could start muttering.

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