Chapter 9: Izuku's First Dungeon and Treasure!

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Izuku started walking into the forest following the grass path and after walking for a few minutes Izuku came to a clearing full of Rats that could be between levels 1-5, Squirrels that could be between levels 1-8, Rabbits that could be between levels 1-10, Blue Jays that could be between levels 1-10, Red Jays that could be between levels 1-10, Sparrows that could be between levels 1-10, Crows that could be between levels 1-10, and strangely one Crane that was level 12!

~Welcome to the Clearing before the Glen! Because this is your first time in this Dungeon it is on easy mode and all of the more powerful Animals are gone besides the Guardian and the Boss! After defeating this Dungeon you can come back and fight more powerful Animals after a cooldown until you beat it on the highest difficulty and the Animals are freed from the curse forever!~

Izuku looked around the clearing and after talking battle strategies with Tsuna, Fiona, Luna, and Naruto(Since Kurama was still sleeping) decided to attack the lowest level animals first to get a feel for combat and to be aware and cautious at all times for any surprise's since this is something new and unknown. After approaching a Brown Rat that was level 1 from behind Izuku used Observe on it and read the info that appeared above its head.

Brown Rat: Corrupted Scout

Age ?Corrupted?

{Level 1

Health 100/100

Stamina 100/100}

Izuku readys a Punch and while still behind the Corrupted Rat Punches it with all of his strength!

(-100 Health!

Brown Rat: Corrupted Scout Defeated!

Punch gained 50 EXP!

Punch is now Level 2!

You gained 100 EXP, 100 Yen, New Item, New Form: Brown Rat Obtained!)

"Alright I have a new Form!" Izuku exclaimed quietly after defeating the Brown Rat and quickly went over to another level one Brown Rat and used Punch on it again.

(-100 Health!

Brown Rat: Corrupted Scout Defeated!

Punch gained 50 EXP!

You gained 100 EXP, 100 Yen, and an Item!)

There were only three Rats left in the clearing but they were all next to each other and Izuku could not see any way to Defeat them one on one so Izuku decided to sneak up on the one on the left take it out with Punch and then deal with the other two when they turned to attack him. With that plan in mind Izuku snuck up on the left one and used Punch on it!

(-100 Health!

Brown Rat: Corrupted Scout Defeated!

Punch gained 50 EXP!

Punch is now Level 3!

You gained 100 EXP, 100 Yen, and an Item!)

The remaining two Rats immediately turned to face Izuku with their teeth bared and lunged at izuku simultaneously Izuku rolled out of the way and Kicked another Rat in the head and smiled when it disappears before Jumping back to avoid the last Rats Bite and delivering another Kick to it and watching it disappear.

(-100 Health! x2

Brown Rat: Corrupted Scout Defeated! x2

Kick gained 100 EXP!

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