Chapter 5: The Spinosaurus

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Tsuna opened the door to the house and walked in with Izuku hot on his heels excited to begin training with Fiona. When they walked up the stairs to the second floor Tsuna led Izuku to the first door on the left and opened the door to reveal a different kind of game room.

This game room had a pool table, a ping pong table, a wall with shelves covering it entirely was filled with different board games, puzzle games, crossword books, and other physical games. There was also a shelf against another wall that had what looked to be game consoles but not ones that Izuku could recognize.

Luna in her human form was playing against Fiona at the pool table when they walked in but stopped when Tsuna and Izuku walked into the room.

"Are you two finished with your training already?" Luna asked as she and Fiona put the pool table balls together and put away the pool sticks.

"Yea i thought that you would take the longest since out of all of use your powers are more mental and internal? So how did you get done so quick it's only been 20 minutes?!" Fiona asked confused while walking up to them with Luna after putting everything away.

"Well to answer your question while my powers have certain mental properties it is also very physical so most of the training Izuku needs to do to improve his skills like his Intuition or Sky Flame control must be done in the real world and not just here in the mindscape. So in truth there is not much I can actually teach Izuku here in the mindscape, it's actually Luna who can teach him most here." Tsuna said with a smile while scratching the back of his head with one hand as Luna and Fiona looked at him with surprised looks across their faces.

"You taught me alot too Tsuna! It's not your or Fiona's fault that your abilities are more physical than mental but all of your powers are great and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!" Izuku said in defence of their powers since they were all beautiful and powerful in their own ways like Heros! Hearing Izuku's loud defence of them and their powers brought a smile to their faces.

"Okay okay enough of this mushy stuff lets get back to work on learning some moves so you can get back to your life but now you have us to back you up so your bullies won't know what hit them so follow me my little midget!" Fiona said affectionately while walking out of what Izuku now referred to as game room 2 past Luna and Tsuna.

"Okay but maybe we could leave the other kids alone since I'm sure that they don't mean anything by it! I'm sure that they will stop once they know I have a quirk so there's no reason to bother them!" Izuku says to them all as him and Fiona walk away from Tsuna and Luna who are looking at Izuku with a surprised look.

"He isn't going to let us protect him from his tormentors or use his new powers against them when they continue to bully him, is he?" Luna both states and asks while turned to Tsuna.

"Nope, he is like us in that he is self sacrificing to a fault and won't raise a hand to someone he feels doesn't deserve it even if they do in the eye's of anyone else, it also doesn't help that he has been put down and bullied so much that he does not even see how bad it really is and so will not retaliate." Tsuna said in reply to Luna.

"What can we do if he won't let us help him when he goes back to school and says he got his quirk, you and I both know he won't go against the law of quirk use without a Hero license in public so they will just call him a liar and bully him more?" Luna asked Tsuna with a look of despair thinking about what those imuture kids would do to her poor foal.

"There is nothing we can do if he does not want us to so in that regard we are pretty useless but before you get more upset remember we are not the only ones who will try to come to Izuku's defence, there friends from other lives will protect him too they just have to find him or Izuku has to run into them or in the case of his friends from his life as John Egbert he needs to remember that life before they can directly interfere in Izuku's life. Tsuna explained to Luna as they walked back to game room 1 to watch TV while Izuku and Fiona were training together.

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