Chapter 2: The Tutorial

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Well, it looked like his rate of leveling up was starting to slow down now. This was also really informative about his Quirk so far; his Quirk was really cool and allowed him to do a lot of great things.

Izuku looked around his room to the hero posters on the walls, to the window where the early morning sunshine was giving the room a mystic and timeless feel. Izuku then looked to his All Might clock on his nightstand to see what time it was.

The time surprised Izuku since the clock read 7:10 AM and Izuku got up at 7:00 AM according to his Quirk! How had only 10 minutes passed when it felt like so much longer to Izuku?

As if the game was reading his mind a new screen popped up in front of Izuku.

~ For this Tutorial TIME has temporarily been slowed down by Locked! (Knight of Time), and Locked! (Maid of Time) so that you can take your time learning about your new Quirk!~

Wow! This must be two of the Seer of Light's and two of his friends that he used to know in a past life! Izuku wondered what else a Knight of Time and a Maid of Time could do besides slow down time and if they could stop time completely!

After a while of thinking about the Knight and Maid of Time and what they may be able to do Izuku focused back on his Quirk to get started on his path as a hero!

Maybe he could be as great a Hero as All Might one day! As he was thinking about how great his Quirk was , a new screen popped up with the next quest.

~New Quest!~

Objective: Go to the Perks Tab and the Skills Tab!

Completion Reward: 2000 EXP, 20,000 Yen, Two Skill Books, and a New Item!

Huh? Why did his rewards increase all of a sudden like that? Maybe because he's so close to the end of the Tutorial?

~Congratulations! Due to your smart thinking about being near the end of the Tutorial, you have received:

{+1 INT

+1 WIS!}~

Izuku decided to try and finish his tutorial quickly because he still wanted to tell his mom all about his Quirk and then ask her if they should tell anyone else.

But would they even believe them since the Info Tab said that only Friends could see his H.U.D Menu? With that in mind, he decided to focus on completing his quests so he clicked on the Perks Tab next to see what perks he could get.

~Welcome to the Perks Tab!

Here you can choose 1 Perk every 5 Levels!~

~You can choose 2 Perks!

Available Perks:

{Strength Perk: Increase Strength by 5

Speed Perk: Increase Speed by 5

Animal Attraction Perk: Animals are attracted to you, will Love You faster and will Defend you if you have a good enough Relationship with them.

Cute Perk: Be the Cutest there is with +10 Charm as well as gain the ability to spawn cute illusions and have stars, hearts, and other shapes in your eyes.

Night Vision Perk: Have the ability to see at night in total darkness no matter your form.

Empathy Perk: Better understand the people around you to make friends easier.

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