Chapter 8: Training Izuku's Chakra and Neighborhood Exploration!

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Once Izuku got to the Mansion he saw Kurama curled up sleeping next to it and Izuku walked up to him and put his hands on Kurama's furry cheek and after Kurama's eyes opened Izuku greeted him.

"Hello Kurama it's nice to meet you! My name's Izuku Midoria and I am very happy to be learning from you and Naruto!" Izuku said.

"Hello Kit it is nice to finally meet you and I'm glad you didn't inherit Naruto's stupidity." Kurama replied to Izuku's greeting.

"SHUT UP KURAMA! I'm not stupid!" Naruto yells from where he is leaning out of one of the Mansions many windows.

"If I remember correctly and I do who failed the academy graduation test three times in a row?" Kurama said phrasing it as a question while staring pointedly at Naruto who was still leaning out the window with one furry eyebrow raised.

"You know that was because I couldn't do a normal clone and that all the teachers except Iruka sabotaged me!" Naruto yelled at Kurama before promptly ignoring him.

Naruto jumped out the window and landed on the ground next to Kurama before turning to Izuku with a grin.

"Alright so the others have explained everything to us and since they've already started your training on their powers so me and fuzzy(FUZZY!) here will start training you but first I will teach you how to access your Chakra since Kurama's lessons will focus on jutsu and high powered Chakra stuff('Chakra Stuff' really Naruto)." Naruto explained while Kurama glares at Naruto for being called fuzzy and his inability to properly explain the basics.

"Okay I'm excited to start training!" Izuku exclaimed excitedly while thinking that Naruto and Kurama where very funny when they were arguing with each other.

"Alright so to unlock your Chakra you have to meditate until you find a new power that is not Luna's, Tsuna's, or Fiona's powers and then bring it to your hands." Naruto explains while Kurama goes back to sleep after giving Izuku a fanged grin.

"Okay!" Izuku says as he sits cross legged on the grass and closes his eyes to focus on finding his Chakra.

Izuku begins meditating again and tries to find his Chakra on his first try so after finding his other powers and getting a feel of them Izuku starts to feel for a new power within himself. After a while Izuku found a new power that had to be his chakra and then he slowly brought it to his hands. When Izuku opens his eyes he sees that his hands are faintly glowing blue.

"Good job izuku! Now I want you to take this leaf and try to keep it on your forehead without your hands." Naruto said to Izuku while handing him a leaf to use for this chakra exercise.

Izuku nods excitedly and takes the leaf but before he puts it on his forehead Izuku moves his Chakra from his hands to his forehead and then he tries to put the leaf on his forehead. Unfortunately it only stays on for a second before violently blowing off his forehead and sending him down onto the grass and waking Kurama up from his nap.

Izuku blinks as he lays down on the grass while listening to both Naruto and Kurama laughing from where they were watching and begins laughing himself because he forgot about Kakashi-Sensei's teachings from his memories of Naruto's life.

After they all stopped laughing Izuku got up and adjusted his Chakra output and tried sticking the leaf to his forehead again and Kurama went back to sleep. This time the leaf stuck to his forehead without blowing up!

"Look Naruto I did it!" Izuku said excitedly but softly not wanting to disturb Kurama's sleep again but before Naruto could reply a new screen popped up.

~Congratulations! You have learned the Passive Skill: Chakra Manipulation and the Active Skill: Chakra Application!~

"Great job Izuku! Now since you know how to channel your chakra i want you to continue to do that both here and in the real world and when you get your new Chakra Manipulation Skill to level 5 I'll teach you some Jutsu but until then have fun!" Naruto said to Izuku as he ruffled Izuku's green hair.

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