Chapter 10: Surprise Encounter and Dinner!

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Hey everyone sorry for the long wait but here is the next chapter and I need your guys and gals help so at some point Izuku's Portal perk is going to send him to a random alternate universe. the first one is Katekyo Hitman Reborn but I need you guys to vote on who you want Izuku/Tsuna to land on because that will greatly change how the chapter will go. So please let me know who you want to see react to what they see as a child tsuna falling on them from the sky!


Izuku with Bunny still on his back ran as fast as his legs could carry him and Bunny home not noticing the looks people were giving him as he was running home. When Izuku was almost home he noticed that Kumo was ahead but he was being chased by a dog and about to be cornered in an alleyway! Izuku immediately turned to go save Kumo with a determined expression on his face.

"Hey Dog! You leave Kumo alone you big bully!" Izuku says as he also runs into the alley after the two.

The dog turns to face Izuku growling loudly while Kumo cowers against the wall of the alleyway with his back arched, eye's slit in terror, tail straight up and fur puffed up to seem more intimidating. Izuku Observes the dog to get a look at its Stats to see how best to deal with the dog without violence hopefully.

Ginji(Mad Dog)

Level 6

Health: 600

Stamina: 600

Description: Ginji wants to prove to his owner that he can be brave and not run away from everything all the time

Izuku after reading the Description about Ginji the dog decided that rather than fighting Ginji he would just scare him off by turning into a Spinosaurus. Izuku hopes that it works(And that no one notices because using Quirks in public is illegal) to scare Ginji off so Izuku motions to Bunny to get off his back and focuses on changing into a Spinosaurus. After opening the menu and going to the custamation tab and one flash of light later a young Fiona is enveloped in an orange light and becomes a young Spinosaurus.

"GINJI! What do you think you are doing to my Friend Kuro! If you want to prove to your owner that you can be brave this is not the way! Cornering and bullying someone who has done nothing wrong just makes you a bully not Brave!" Izuku yells passionately at Ginji hoping to resolve this peacefully.

~Ginji's POV~

Ginji spun around in surprise growling but falters then stops when he sees Izuku who is a baby Great Finned Hunter! One of the Balance Keepers of old is right in front of him and it's angry at what he was doing! Ginji knew like all animals that The Great Ones of Old were gone long before his time but every animal besides humans knew that when they were around they kept the world in balance with nature before they were all taken out by a horrible catastrophe many many many moons before thus throwing the Balance of Nature off.

Animals everywhere had to try and take over the Balance but humans do not know or some don't care and meddle in things they do not understand about Nature. The only thing that all animals sans humans agreed on was that if somehow an Ancient one survived they would protect it from the humans until it could once again take over as a Balance Keeper of Nature. Here in front of Ginji was what every animal had waited many moons for and it was mad at what he had tried to do in a fit of anger and frustration. Ginji had to appease the Baby Great One and apologise to the cat he almost hurt in his rage.

"You are right young Great One I almost did something I would have regretted for the rest of my life and I apologize to you as well ca- I mean Kuro please accept my most sincere apologies." Ginji says bowing first to the Baby Great One as is proper and then once again to Kuro the cat.

~Nobody's POV~

"I accept your apology Ginji the dog but don't you dare try this again because I may forgive but I do not forget! one more mistake and I shall claw your eye's out!" Kuro yowles patting his fur down.

"I accept your apology too Ginji but please remember that there are other ways to prove to others that you are brave, now if you excuse me I have to get home for dinner." Izuku said and then changed bake into his regular form to the surprise of Kuro and Ginji and let Bunny back on his back before running out of the alley and running the rest of the way home.

"Mom, I'm Home and I brought a new Friend can she stay!" Izuku Yells excitedly while letting Bunny off his back and guiding her to the dining table and letting her sit in his chair while he gets another from the kitchen.

"Welcome home sweetie and of course she can, I made extra Katsudon since it's your favorite... EEEKKK A BEAR!" Inko yelps after noticing the bear cub sitting in her son's chair while he sits in a new one from the kitchen.

"Don't be scared mom! This is my new Friend Bunny! Her mom let her come with me since their home was cursed and drove all the animals mad! Please Please Please can she stay!" Izuku pleads with his mom desperately.

"Okay Sweetie I trust you. It's very nice to meet you Bunny welcome to our home! would you like some food?" Inko says after she calmed down from her scare and smiles at Bunny warmly. All three of them started eating Inko and Izuku had Katsudon while Bunny was having some fish Inko got out of the fridge and heated up for her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2020 ⏰

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