Chapter 3: The sky, Moon, and Dinosaur live again part 1

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Are you sure you would like to remember your lives of Princess Luna, Fiona Flagstaff, and Tsunayoshi Sawada?


*Note that when you click yes avatars of them will appear in your mindscape do to your current settings*

"Yes, I am fine with all of these settings" Young Izuku said aloud and clicked the Yes button on the screen.

Suddenly his head was pelted with all of his past lives' memories and their experiences as Princess Luna, Fiona Flagstaff, and Tsunayoshi Sawada all at once, but even though he had regained a lot of lost memories his head was not hurting as bad as it should have. He just felt some minor irritation but other than that he felt fine. Then a lot of new notifications popped up telling him some interesting things.

Congratulations! You have remembered your lives as Princess Luna, Fiona Flagstaff, and Tsunayoshi Sawada!

You now have multiple personality disorder!

Avatars of Princess Luna, Fiona Flagstaff, and Tsunayoshi Sawada have appeared in your mindscape!

Mindscape Unlocked!

Game Sprite: Nightmare Moon Unlocked!

Game Sprite: Giotto Unlocked!

You have acquired all items that your past lives had but some must be unlocked to use them!

New Species Unlocked: Alicorn, and Spinosaurus

New Stat: Will/Dying Will Is Unlocked!

Sky Flames Unlocked and added to Active Skills!

Sky Attraction has ben added to Passive Skills!

You have gained New Skills!

You have gained New Powers!

Cool he could meet the avatars of his past lives and learn from them! He also unlocked his Dying Will and his Sky Flames and got his first two Game Sprites! Izuku also remembered his first three past lives and in two of them he was a girl, but he was totally Awesome which defied everything Kacchan said about girls being weak. He was awesome in all of his past lives and if they ever needed to because of the way Izuku changed his settings they can take control of his body to help and protect him or someone else if it was something, he himself couldn't handle. This was so Awesome but now he wanted to go see them in his mindscape before completing this quest when suddenly he heard voices in his head!

'Don't worry little one we will still be here when you are done little

'That's right you go do what you o do to finish your quests were not going any ware.'

'It's not going to disappear on you so go finish your quest and then meet us.'

Wow! Izuku could hear Princess Luna, Tsunayoshi, and Fiona talking to him in his mind! Did that mean that all of his past lives would do that if so, would he ever have a quiet head again? Well he would figure that out later so for now he would listen to them and continue with his quest so with that he clicked on the Powers Tab.

Welcome to the Powers Tab!

This is where you can see what powers you receive from your past lives with descriptions about the responsibility's that come with those powers!

Night Bringer: This power is from Princess Luna and it means that from now on in the world you're in you rise and lower the moon. This power is easier to use in Princess Luna Form.

Transcended Harmony Factor: This power is from Tsunayoshi Sawada and it means that others are attracted to you due to your Sky Flames. This means that you need to gather a complete set of Elements to feel complete and give others a home and because you are a Transcended Sky you can hold many Elements.

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