Chapter 4: The sky, Moon, and Dinosaur live again part 2

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Tsuna started walking towards the door to the game room with Izuku following after him. When they walked out the door Tsuna led Izuku back down the stairs and then turned towards the doorway to the outside of the house.

Once they were outside Tsuna led Izuku further in to the grassy plains and away from the house.

When they were walking Izuku looked around while still following Tsuna and saw that his Mindscape was very beautiful especially at night and to think that he had done this with Luna's help.

Izuku wondered what Tsuna would teach him whenever he decided that they were far enough from the Mansion. After walking for about 20 minutes Tsuna stops and turns to face Izuku.

"This is far enough so let me go over what I will be teaching you out here." Tsuna said to Izuku after he stopped walking.

"I will start by teaching you how to access your Sky Flames here in your Mindscape since it will be easier here than in the real world, then I will teach you one easy attack as well as a few basic exercises that will help you learn to use your flames better, finally I will teach you how to use your Vongola Intuition to your advantage so it will not overwhelm you when you leave the Mindscape." Tsuna told Izuku once Izuku stopped walking and gave Tsuna his full attention.

"Yes, Tsuna I'll do my best!" Izuku says excitedly as he looks at Tsuna with an excited smile and sparkles in your eyes.

"Alright then first I'll show you to access your Flames in any form you take whither human or not, but first will start of with the forms you know so this form, my form, Luna's form, and after Fiona trains you we'll both help you with accessing your Flames in both of her forms, now with that what form would you like to start with Izuku? Tsuna states to Izuku and waits patiently for Izuku's answer.

Izuku thinks about it for a minute and finally decides to start in Tsuna's form so he opens the Menu and goes to the Customization Tab.

~Welcome to the Customization Tab!

Here you can Customize yourself in to a new look, gender, and even a new Race or Species!~

Default Forms: Izuku Midoriya (Human), Princess Luna (Alicorn), Tsunayoshi Sawada (Human), Fiona Flagstaff (Human/Spinosaurus)

Hair color: Green, Blond, Carmel Brown, Purple, Blue, Lavender, Star filled, ???? (Locked!)

Hair style: Spikes, Smooth, Straight, Ringlets, wavy, ???? (Locked!)

Hair length: Short, Long, Middle, ???? (Locked!)

Eye color: Green, Carmel Brown, Blue-Green, Amber, ???? (Locked!)

Gender: Boy, Girl, Hermaphrodite, Androgynous

Race: Japanese, Irish, ???? (Locked!)

Species: Human, Pony, Alicorn, Spinosaurus, (Locked!)

~Create New Default Form Here~

Izuku clicks on Tsuna's default form and begins shining and changing. When the glow die's down there is a kid Tsuna across from an adult Tsuna, and just like with Luna a screen appeared in front of Izuku.

~Would you like to equip your stuff you gained when you remembered Tsunayoshi Sawada's Life?~


Izuku clicked the Yes option and in a flash, he gained wool mittens on both hands, a ring, headphones, and a little box.

Tsuna when he saw all of what Izuku gained from his past life was excited but knew that Izuku would not be able to use most of them for now, so he smiled and called for Izuku's attention.

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