Welcome Back!

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I woke up the next day in my bedroom to a swollen forehead, a black eye and a killer headache.

"Move and see what happens!" A threatening voice came at me. I quickly opened my eyes to see Bebe standing a few feet away from my bed with a comb brush in her hand. Her stance was that of a warrior ready to defend himself. This can't be right. The sight was hilarious I wanted to laugh but decided against it because a part of me assumed I must have head bud her too, making her turn into psycho warrior over here. Who knows?

I scowled. "You're gonna have to do better than that when defending yourself," I sarcastically say to the figurative warrior in front of me. "And what's up with the hair brush ? Did you think you'd comb me to death?" This got her. "Shut up, if you had kept your forehead to yourself I wouldn't be this precautious," she laughed.
She came towards me and held my hand, helping me up on my feet. "Hey, what happened the other day?" She asked, her voice full of concern. My mind quickly jumped back to the tunnel and why I decided not to let anyone know what I encountered at the foot of the stairs. " Umm, I think I have high blood pressure," I hastily answered. Liar! That is probably the dumbest reason anyone could ever come up with. Shucks! I hope she believes me, I wished. "Oh that's what my Aunty had and she died a very painful death," she cuts in, not even bothered she might scare the 'patient' here. The sarcasm in her voice rang louder than her words, I wish it was her I head budded instead of Talon. "Thanks sister, so much love in that statement I feel like strangling you to death." I managed to walk a few feet without her help. My legs were a bit numb but I could feel my body has recovered a great deal than last night. 

"It's not my fault your blood pressure is abnormal," she bursts out laughing. I ignored her knowing this was going to turn into a Russian roulette.

"Blame the Cool Aid you've been mixing with your Ramen noodle!" She shouted as I entered the bathroom. "And your salt!"

I swear she would say anything to try to penetrate through my skin.


After I had my shower, Bebe had already prepared an outfit for me. This time it's to my liking. It was a plain yellow sundress with a bow at the back. I let my hair hang since it was still damp from the shower earlier. "Okay, let's head downstairs. Everyone is waiting," she said in a hurry.

Everyone? Who is everyone?

"Bebe, what do you mean by everyone?" I questioned . "You didn't throw a party in my house while I was unconscious, did you?" I held her back from descending the stairs. "Yeah, about that," she curled her lips, looking as guilty as ever. We continued to walk down the steps. I am beginning to feel frustration creep on me. I was having a very heated up discussion with the voice of reason in my head. How could she do this to me? She knows very well that my parents will kill me if they find out. In my case, when they find out. I was at the verge of exploding when - "Welcome back, Lia!!!" True to her words, everyone is here. Well, everyone of the appointed seven, that is. We are all here. Together. What's up with that? I felt like throwing shady comments with how ecstatic they were.

"You got me there," I pinched Bebe. "I was beginning to think you trashed the house." She laughed at my exasperation. "For someone who just came back from the dead, you think too much," she laughed then left to get some snack. The table set in the living room in front of the couch and television was packed with pizza and all sort of assorted snacks. "There's soda and water in the fridge," I turned to see Jag walking towards me. "You want anything?" He tried to act sincere it was almost laughable. "Uh, water please," its only on rare occasions that Jag becomes sincere or anything close to sincere, so I probably shouldn't waste his effort. All of a sudden, Bebe appeared beside me, "careful not to spill it," she added sarcastically sipping her soda. Jag didn't say anything nor bother to look back. He left for the kitchen. "Why the savagery?" I cocked my head to the side, teasing Bebe. She huffed,"It's complicated." Bebe never worries let alone stress over anything. This has to be a big deal. I wanted to know. "Too complicated even for me to hear?" I whispered. "I'll let you know after," she whispered back. Jag came back with a bottle of water, "here you go ma'am," he smiled what seems to be a very appealing smile. Bebe rolled her eyes and stomped off. Okay, there's definitely something going on here, I thought. I looked at Jag for assurance but he only nodded then left for the couch. "Did I like wake up a century late?" I questioned myself. I seem to have missed out on a lot of things.

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