The Bet

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It was now a week till the end of the term and of the Winter season. Everyone is counting down the days till the end of the term, mainly because it promises a huge event ahead and the change in season; the Spring Festival Ball to welcome in Spring, the new season.The young ladies of each tribe flooded the stalls beside the school compound searching for the most extravagant gowns they could find and the boys rummaged through their closets to find their best suite. It was quiet a hustle in Blue Blood Academy.

Zuri was going on and on about her choice of outfit, making conversation with Bebe. Somewhere in the middle of their conversation, she stopped and asked, "Have you found a dress yet?" No answer . "Earth to Lia," she waved. " Oh sorry, what was that?" she gained my attention. "It would be a miracle to actually have Lia well prepared before hand," Bebe commented, "and especially for the ball." I shifted my attention to her. "What exactly are you trying to say," I said narrowing my eyes to slits to which she found quiet amusing. She laughed. "You know exactly what I mean. It takes forever for you to find an outfit regardless of how ugly it may appear," she smirked. I shoved her arm having enough of her criticism. Zuri spoke, "girl, you need to go shopping."

That is the one thing I refuse to do. Shopping.

All throughout the term, I try my best to avoid conversation that leads to shopping for the Spring Festival. I dislike shopping. It didn't cheer me up like it does to typical girls. In fact, it drowned me in boredom. I don't see why I should go in and out of stores just to find a single outfit. No! My type of shopping was simple - enter, grab,purchase and exit. It was more of a routine. "No, we are not going down that road. I have other things to do." Both girls smirked at my last comment and I couldn't help but add, " important stuff that is," I gave them a death glare to which they laughed.

"Anyhoo, we've only touched on the subject of dress code and shopping but what I am most interested in learning are the mysterious suitors," Zuri wiggled her eyebrows at us. I turned my head, not wanting to be the first to reveal her date. Yeah right! Date, I laughed inwardly recalling it was technically an alliance. Little did I know, Bebe was averting her gaze as well. "Oh come on! I know you two already have dates. All I'm asking for is their names," Zuri pouted. Silence. No words were uttered by either of us. "For the love of carbs!" She spat, irritated by the sound of silence we were generating. "You know what? Never mind, let's make a bet," she suddenly sounds too excited it demanded our attention. "Let's all keep our dates a secret, and when the time comes, we surprise each other with our dates. The one with the best date gets the losers' monthly call home." Her bet was so high, we were quiet hesitant about striking the deal. "Are you for real?" Bebe sounded anything but amused. "The feeling's mutual," I sided Bebe. "Is that fear I sense?" Zuri inclined forward, smiling cynically. "Ah, going with Mister Frog and Mr Toad, are we?" she then laughed and we couldn't help but join in. "Don't be too dramatic, girls. Just bring your ugly dates and prepare to be slain," she stood up from the park bench, winked and went her way.

"Oh my gosh, what did we just agree to?" The shock of realization just hit us.

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