The Aftermath

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I was taken by surprise. He stood there looking at me. His hands remained on my shoulder. "What are you- " he pulled me towards him and then he kissed me.

He kissed me. He kissed me? What the hell? Silver kissed me! Shit.

I tried to find my calm space but failed. It was like trying to find my calm space in the eye of the storm. What exactly happened- I do not know. The three seconds our lips came into contact with each other, my eyes were automatically shut. I didn't know how else to respond so I kept my eyes shut. Besides that, I did not respond to the kiss in any other way.

He pulled away. I opened my eyes to find him smirking but not at me. He looked right past me. Vakai cleared his throat." Done? Mind if my partner and I continue our conversation?" He asked displaying manliness and sportsmanship. Sportsmanship?  Whatever it was, it was very amusing to me. I thought his reaction would be out-of-character given he is my official partner. I thought wrong. He's not as boyish as I portrayed him to be. Gentleman? I don't know. He stood tall, making eye contact with the now, dark-eyed Silver who I assume was expecting something else as well. His hands dove into the front pockets of his denim shorts and he shrugged, "sure," said he, not breaking eye-contact. The other male in our trio didn't hesitate to fire back, "privately." He smiled and nodded. The intensity of the conversation  increased in volumes I dare not unfold. Finally, Silver gave in. I assume it was out of respect for his alpha. He sighed and faced the ground while a hand shot up his head and he ruffled his thick hair. "I'll see you tomorrow, Liah." I stood still but when he lifted his eyes to where I was, I could see the humility in them and I wondered if what he was doing was genuine or was it just to get to my partner? Whatever it was, it tugged at my heart for a few seconds only to disappear once he left Vakai and I alone.

It was now dark. A few more minutes then it would be prep-hour; when we do our homework and all. Yet, Vakai took a step forward and continued walking. He walked on, his back facing me. I honestly was confused. Am I to go after him or just stand still? "You plan on standing there all night?" I took advantage of his soft call and walked towards him in full determined strides. "Can someone explain to me what is going on?" I raised my voice as I tried to catch up to him. He cast a glance side-way. "You tell me. I'm not the one smooching another guy in front of my partner."


I admit. That kind of hurt, but then again the truth always does. I exhaled. "That's not fair. You witnessed the entire scene. He kissed me." I tried reasoning with what was pretty much a stone wall. "You didn't seem to mind, though." The guilt backfired on me. I stopped walking." He caught me off-guard-" I argued but his bitter laugh cut in. "Why the explanation? You don't owe me any. I couldn't care less. In fact, the only thing you owe me is your companionship to the dance. After that, it's goodbye." His chin held high, he stood there looking down on me. If only he knew he was messing with an already leaking gas tank. For the first time ever, someone actually humiliated me. Big mistake. I scoffed at his confidence. Who does he think he's talking to?  The inner royal in me now awoken. I stand there gazing at him. I felt my gaze burn; I knew by now I was flushed- red. My temper grew on my skin and as I felt it reach the tip of my head, the power I felt flow through me was nothing I have ever felt before. I wore my temper as a crown now and I could see Vakai withdraw his steps creating more distance between us. He was intimidated, I could tell but he humiliated me only seconds ago and I intend on letting him know that. He took my kindness for weakness, and I did not appreciate that nor do I deserve it.

"Whoah, Liah. Calm down-" he was in the middle of soothing my wrath when I stepped in, "I am Opal Attalia Bas, daughter of Chief Bas, descendant of Chief Darius. You will not scorn me like that!" I swung my right arm in the air and had it land on his jaw, causing him to jolt back a few steps. He was in shock; he tried to balance himself yet couldn't find the support to, as there was nothing he could grab hold on for support. He fell on the ground and squint his eyes at the form above him. I stood over him, not intending on helping him. I watched as his eyes slowly shut and sleep finally took over him. Suddenly, I regained consciousness. I looked around me and then back down at the figure laying in front of me. What have I done, now? I crouched down and felt his pulse. Phew!  Reflief washed through me. I eyed the person on the ground once more before I heard someone call out . "Attalia Bas! What in Heaven's name is going on?" I turned around and to my dismay, it was Principal Burns. 

I'm in deep trouble. Deep,  deep trouble.

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