Detention Class

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That evening after school, I went straight to my dormitory to freshen up. I haven't the slightest idea of what activity would be given me as to serve my detention but I wouldn't want to ruin my school uniform by any chance. It was just too proper to be worn to detention. After freshening up, I wore a plain white tee along with a pair of high waist pants that were cotton linen yet solid thin and in orange. I tied my hair in a pony tail, slipped on my slippers and went looking for the detention room. As I made my way down the hall, I could see a lot of students mingling with each other. Hopefully they are not from the same tribe because then that would mean the Central Committee's plan is progressing real fast and is yet to be proven successful.
So far, I haven't seen anyone whom I am familiar with or personally know, like my tribe. They must be enjoying it, I smiled. I am now on the second floor and finally, my cousin Bebe was in view. She looked really classy in her uniform. She always knew how to make an entrance or as she likes to call it, 'break an entrance.' Her hair was down and neatly combed back. She wore a grey head band that sort of drew attention to her face and mostly her forehead. It was okay, though. From a distance one would think she was a modest school girl, but when she got closer, to think otherwise would be the most rational decision you were to make. I laughed in my head and waved at her. At first she looked confused but as she got closer, her eyeballs nearly bulged out of their sockets and she stopped abruptly in her tracks. "Do not come any closer," she whispered. I laughed and attempted to walk further to close the distance between us, yet she demanded in all seriousness that I stayed put. It was I who is confuse now, " Bebe, what's wrong?" And with her arms akimbo, her eyes trailed on my outfit down to my pants and stopped. Her eyes closed momentarily then opened, " please tell me you accidentally sprayed perfume in your eyes while changing into that-" I quickly cut in hoping to defend my sense of fashion, "well, no but I ac-" before I could finish she interfered once more, "-and that you came here looking for me to help you change into a more suitable outfit," the look she expressed was both painful and disgusting at the same time. "Because girl, you are not getting anywhere near me with that catastrophic fashion of yours." She gave me a once over and continued her look of disgust as she kept looking at the other students passing us. It was hard to defend myself with her facial expression provoking my ugly laugh to bubble up from inside me.

"Attalia!" A different voice came from behind me. It sounded a little bit like Talon but then again, Talon only uses Lia when addressing me. I didn't bother to look behind me. I could hear footsteps coming towards our duet. "Damn, did he say Attalia or Bebe because I'm pretty sure I heard my name," Bebe lustfully stared at whoever it was that was approaching us. The person eventually got to us and to my surprise it was Dean Silver, my knight in shining armor. He flashed both of us a smile. "What do you want?" I said without a bother to properly look at him. My eyes were fixed on the near-drooling person standing opposite of me. Dean faked a gasp, "what? No introduction whatsoever?" This did it. The laugh I so desperately tried to conceal bursts out. Mainly because of Bebe who smiled like crazy at the question made. "Dean meet my cousin Bethany Bas, the Pastor's kid," this introduction suddenly turned into something else as Bebe's smile subsided. I knew she never liked being introduced as a Pastor's daughter but Dean did mistaken me for her so I might as well go into details with this one. He knew her background, he just hasn't seen her. "Oh so you're Bethany Bas," Dean laughed while he shake his head. "That's your damsel," I joined in on the laugh. Bebe was now in another planet as she shifted her attention from Dean then me. " Oh sorry, he thought I was you this morning," I quickly added. This obviously satisfied Bebe's puzzling confusion. "Yeah, so much for my chivalrous act, I saved the wrong damsel," Dean admitted his mistake a bit embarrassed. "So you know who I am now. Next time, save me instead of orange clown over here," she added in between laughs and sort of leaned towards the tall Dean beside me, alluring him. Dean took a step back and gave me a one over. "Orange clown?" He looked at me quite confused. I rolled my eyes, "apparently, Bebe thinks my outfit especially this pants look like a disaster." There was no answer from Dean but his eyes remained fixed on my outfit. My body?  I refused to think that way. I shoved his arm to gain his attention. "You're rocking that look," his gaze lowered to my eye level. His eyes were a hazel brown, it was hard to not stare back. Earth to Opal!  My sanity echoed in my head. "Come on, detention awaits you, knight in shining armor," I gave a fake laugh to which he responded, "at your service, conquest." I was already steps ahead when I heard that. I turned back to see a very satisfied Dean laughing at my demise. I ignored his stupid joke and turned to Bebe, " bye sis! I'll see you at dinner?" She scowled back at me, "of course, your highness," she verbally sprayed acid at my face. I knew she wanted more time with Dean but we don't have all day hence our early departure.


"Welcome to detention class, students. I wouldn't normally welcome students to my class as it is suppose to be an undesirable session but you are my first detainees so, welcome! The two of you will weed the garden in the courtyard,today. That will be all that is required of you for your detention." The elderly Sir Hollacs managed to blend both greeting and authorization at the same time. Dean and I only smiled in response. He then lead us to the courtyard where he gave us each a pair of gloves along with a pair of hoes. And after directing us to where the flower gardens were, he made himself comfortable on the bench nearby and read the daily newsletter. "Welcome to detention," I murmured as I began hoeing the dirt.

An hour later, the flower garden looked perfectly clean of weeds and looked even more appealing to the eyes. Sir Hollacs has drifted off to sleep so the two of us sat on the lawn, relaxing our torn and worn muscles. Well, mostly mine. The sun has lowered itself and took its time doing so. "Silver. You can call me Silver," he said out of nowhere. I was surprised at this. "You'd rather I call you by your last name?" He nodded to my question and in all sobriety. Okay, I guess now I was obligated to return the favor so I said, "Lia." He was also taken by surprise. I'm guessing he didn't expect anything from me. "It's what my friends call me," I sighed.

Another thirty minutes and it was really getting dark. I turned to the person beside me, "hey Dean, we should get going," I whispered. He looked at his watch and shook his head, "two more minutes." I guess he's all muscles and no strength, I bit my lips not to laugh at my ridiculous assumption. Before I could say another word, the sprinklers on the lawn went on. I stood up in a flash and was about to make a run for it when a pair of strong hands grabbed me by the waist. Dean not only grabbed my waist but he put me back on the ground using his weight to keep me still. "You bastard!" I yelled all the while trying to catch my breath as the sprinklers sprayed water on my face and my entire body. He roared in laughter and was now picking me off the ground. "You worthless piece of crap, how dare you!" I laughed as I shoved him on the chest to which made him laugh even louder. I wiped my face dry and looking up at him, I gave him a sour face. "I told you to call me Silver not Dean," he continued to laugh at me then smiled a crooked smile. "You know, I was hoping to see through your shirt but I guess I'm going to have to try again next time," he laughed. I looked down at my shirt and laughed hysterically, "I bet you did, only you didn't know it's a new design of tees. It doesn't see through, ha!" The humor in his voice died down, "bet I'll be the first to see through it, huh?" He said, eyes fixated on mine. I gave out an awkward laugh, "other than the incident with Talon, yeah but that is least likely to happen." He bit into his jaw. "What was that?" I asked persistently. No reply.

"Alright kiddos! It's back to your dormitories. Your detention is accomplished, go freshen up. Dinner will be in a few minutes."

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