Big mistake

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Vakai was immediately taken to the school hospital and I trailed behind like a cattle walking towards the slaughter. I have no idea of what will happen next. Am I going to get suspended? Expelled? I have no idea. At that particular moment, my mind was blank, except for the last choice of words that replayed like a broken record.
"I am Opal Attalia Bas, daughter of Chief Bas, descendant of Chief Darius. You will not scorn me like that!"

"What the hell was I thinking reviling my identity like that?" I debated with myself. I can't believe where my temper could lead to. I continued to stroll towards the hospital when I heard a growl from somewhere. It was dark so I couldn't see clearly. I squinted my eyes to adjust them to the surrounding darkness. "You psychotic bitch! What have you done?" A loud roar echoed from a distance. I didn't recognize the voice until- "I'm going to kill you!" Then it dawned on me. It's Red Ruby. And she's mad as a maniac. She was running towards me. Her gaze fixated on me and I could tell she meant every word she said. "Oh damn," I took a few steps back contemplating whether or not I should make a run for it when I was being pulled to the side. "Lia, get out of here." Silver shoved me as far as he could and stood in between me and the now close Red. I didn't hesitate. I turned on my heels and made a run for it. I like to think I'm tough and independent but Red looks like she has totally lost it and would actually rip my windpipe out of my throat. I glanced back and saw two bodies collide and to my surprise Red was on top of Silver, bashing her fist on his face as he puts both arm over his face to shield him. Yeah, I can't face that. I continued running up the steps and entered my dormitory . I locked the door as soon as I got in and went straight to bed. The way I pulled the cover over my head, resembles a child scared of the ghost inside its wardrobe, but I didn't care. What I saw there was pure savage and I was mortified to think any of the Stones were capable of that fury.

I shut my eyes and surrendered to sleep.


The next morning there was a knock on my door. I hesitated to open but then heard Bebe's voice. "Hey Lia, it's me Bebe." A sigh escaped my lips and I swung open the door. She stood there with a puzzled look.  "What is it?" I masked my relief, pretending to be anything but relieved. She cocked her head to the side. "So, I went past the hospital this morning  and ..." she paused and looked at me funny. It was that look she gives when she's genuinely confused. "Wait, what's going on?" She queried. "That funny look on your face is what's going on," I tried to keep my mask steady. She rolled her eyes. "Whatever , I just think it's funny that Vakai Onyx is asking for you in the hospital ." She shrugged. "What? Oh yeah, him. Did he say why?" I almost blew my cover. Thankfully, Bebe didn't seem to notice. "Nope. He just asked to see you," she proceeded back towards the entrance then called over her shoulders, "it's lunch hour by the way. You slept the whole morning."

"Damn it, I thought it's Saturday."


At first, I was hesitant in visiting him. But then I was curious to know if he had any memory of the night before; if whether or not he remembered the big mistake I made revealing my full identity. I had to know.

Twenty minutes later ...

Curiosity won and I found myself seated at the hospital awaiting the school nurse to call me to the counter where she sat. This was so uncomfortable for me, I still debated whether or not I should see him . Just then, a door swung open and out stepped the Principal. She was in conversation with the school nurse and when she looked up and saw me , she gave the nurse an acknowledging nod and excused herself. Making her way toward me, my breath got stuck in my throat and I couldn't think of any word to explain what really happened last night. She stopped in front of me and smoothens the front of her black skirt. "He's expecting you, but before you go Attalia, I would like to know the accounts of last night as Mr. Onyx's memory is a bit hazy at the moment and claims he tripped and fell. That doesn't quite explain the situation so maybe drop by my office later today to give full account of the incident ." She smiled, her eyes expressing somewhat mischief, and slowly turned to walk away.

"If you're accusing me, you are correct," I muffled under my breath as I watched her walk out the hospital building. I turned to find myself face to face with the school nurse. "Hello, you must be Attalia. Mister Onyx is this way." She led the way.

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