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"I now present to you your graduating class

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"I now present to you your graduating class."

Students cheered, throwing their hats up. Mary Jane was amongst them, but she kept her hat rather than tossing it. It would be a good souvenir. She only wished that Stuart could be there with her. They had visited each other every time they had a break or three day weekend, but it wasn't the same if she couldn't see him all the time. Skype calls were beginning to hold her over less and less.

She approached her mother with a bright grin, holding up her diploma. "I did it!", she cheered, waving the scroll around.

"I'm so proud of you!", her mother smiled, pulling her into a tight embrace. "I know it's a bit early, but I have one of your graduation presents here with me", she sniffled, pulling away from the hug.

Mary Jane titled her head in confusion, raising her brows. "Really? What is it?" She hadn't been expecting any gifts until she arrived home, so this came as a bit of a surprise to her.

"I think you're really gonna like this one", she said, nodding behind him.

Mary Jane turned around to see Stuart standing behind her, a wide grin on his face. He opened his arms and MJ immediately ran to him, their bodies colliding harshly. Neither of them seemed to notice, just embracing each other.

She hadn't seen him in person since spring break near the end of March. It was nearing the end of May now. "Skype calls definitely do not do you justice", he mumbled.

Mary Jane sniffled, pulling back to look at him. "I've missed you so much."

"Well, now that we're college graduates, I don't think I'll stay away from you that long again", Stuart laughed, pulling her back close to him.

"You'd better not", she mumbled against his chest. "But... can we talk about the fact that you're in a suit?"

Stuart rolled his eyes, stepping back. "You can only expect to see this rare sight one more time."

Mary Jane titled her head, the smile never leaving her face. "One more, huh? And when is that?"

"Our wedding day", he smirked. Mary Jane shook her head, swatting his chest.

"You're such a goof." His words had still managed to make her heart pound. Married to Stuart? She could definitely live with that. Two kids — a little boy with dark curls and his mother's chocolate brown eyes, and a little girl with red hair, a button nose, and her father's hazel eyes. Mary Jane thought they'd have beautiful kids. ( Which they did, years later. Neha, Lyle, Billy, Nick, and Yo-Yo all fought over who would become their God parents. They shared the title in the end. Nick became an honorary grandfather. )

"But you're my goof", she added, leaning up to kiss him. There was a flash and Mary Jane turned to see that her mother had taken their picture.

"Whoops?", she said sheepishly.

Mary Jane shook her head, laughing. "Well, now that you've got the money shot, you may as well join us!"

They took a few more pictures as a group before Mary Jane's mother, Amy, took some more pictures of them on their own and then of Mary Jane on her own.

After they left the ceremony, Stuart joined the group at Mary Jane's home for a party. He got to meet almost all of her family. They loved him — especially her grandmother. The older woman had taken to him, pinching his cheeks and telling him what a nice boy he was. Stuart found the old lady's company enjoyable. She told marvelous stories.

When things began to wind down and Mary Jane had opened several gifts, he pulled the girl off to the side. They walked arm and arm outside, Mary Jane occasionally glancing up at the sky so she could see all the twinkling stars.

"I got you a gift too", Stuart said, breaking the comfortable silence between them.

"You know you didn't have to", Mary Jane sighed. It wasn't that she cared wether or not Stuart got her a gift, she didn't mind it at all, she just didn't want the boy to waste much money when he came to visit. Just his presence was enough. "You could have at least waited until we got our first paychecks", she added teasingly. Both of them were incredibly excited to return back to Google where they would be near all their friends.

"Yeah, but this was important. I wanted to get this. Well, actually, it's two gifts, but I'm giving you the good one first in case the other is disappointing", he said, reaching into his pocket and producing a small, blue, velvet box.

Mary Jane took it warily. Jewelry? "How expensive was this?" Stuart just shrugged in response. Mary Jane sighed, opening the box. Inside was a small, silver band with the word His written on it. On the band's inside was the date they got together. Mary Jane gasped. Sure, it wasn't a ring with a large diamond or something, but this meant more to her than a diamond ever would. "Stuart—"

"Now we match", he chuckled, holding up his hand where an almost identical rested on his finger. It was black and said Hers rather than his.

Mary Jane pulled him into a tight hug, her arms around his neck. "You didn't have to do all this, you goof."

"I wanted to. This is my promise to you — from now till forever. I love you, MJ."

"I love you too", she mumbled, nuzzling his neck. They stayed like that for a while before she glanced up at him. "But now I'm curious. What was the second gift?"

"Oh!", Stuart said, like he'd forgot. He reached into his pocket again, pulling out a thin chain with a key on it. "This is a key to my apartment. And, if you, you know, wanna... move in... it's yours."

Mary Jane paused, thinking it over. Move in with Stuart? That would be different. She was used to having her own space, but she loved Stuart and this was just another step in their relationship — one that further solidified them.

"I would love to move in with you."

February 26, 2019

The End.

Wow. First of all, I can't believe I wrote
21 ( unedited ) chapters and an epilogue
in three days??? While also working on
my actual published fanfics??? I guess
this was easy since this is an actual movie
that I'm going directly off of. 😅 ( Except
For a few parts, of course. )

I don't know if I'm going to publish this
or not yet, but I had so much fun writing
it! So, if I do publish it and someone reads
it, I hope you enjoy it!

Bye lovebugs. xx

mary jane | stuart twombly ✓Where stories live. Discover now