chapter 16

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"Are you really already packing?", Stuart asked in curiosity

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"Are you really already packing?", Stuart asked in curiosity.

His voice caused Mary Jane to jump, turning around to face him. "You ever hear of knocking?", she asked, raising a brow.

"Yeah, I hear it's a new thing, but I'm not exactly sold on it yet", Stuart answered with a shrug.

"You're such an idiot", Mary Jane scoffed, turning back to her suitcase. "We're about to be on the last challenge. No matter what happens, it'll still be our last day here — at least for a while — so, yes, I am already packing my things."

"Well, yeah, you could do that, or you could come with me and actually have fun."

"Fun doing what exactly?"

"Enjoying the moment? Enjoying life?

Mary Jane couldn't help herself but to laugh, placing down the t shirt she was about to fold. "Says the one who was spending most of his time on his phone?"

"No, Nick was right. Sometimes, I just need to look three inches up. And not to see a stripper's tits — although they were very nice ones", he snorted. Mary Jane couldn't help but to roll her eyes, though she knew he was only joking. "But, when I look three inches up, I see you."

"Alright, Twombly, you've got yourself a deal", Mary Jane sighed. "But only because I'm pretty sure that that was a compliment, and it's probably the only one I'll ever get from you."

She was glad she hadn't undressed and changed into her pajamas yet. Granted her outfit was nothing spectacular, just dark skinny jeans and a grey band shirt, but it was definitely better than fuzzy hello kitty pants and a white tank top that did nothing against the cold. She had straightened her long, red hair that day.

"So, where to first?", Mary Jane asked once they were met with the cool night air.

"Movie", Stuart said simply. Mary Jane eyed the Uber warily, but, when Stuart held the door open for her, she just hesitantly climbed into the back seat. As long as he was with her, she'd be fine.

"What kind of movie?", MJ asked, breaking the silence in the quiet darkness.

"Horror movie, duh."

Mary Jane turned to look at him the best she could, blinking. "No way, I hate horror movies!"

"You laugh during The Walking Dead!", Stuart argued.

"That's different", she huffed, crossing her arms.

"Uh, no, chances are it's more graphic."

"Chances are it's more graphic", Mary Jane Jane mimicked.

"I do not sound like that!", Stuart protested.

"You totally do."

They were interrupted by the Uber driver's loud laughter, making them turn to look at the man in confusion. "I'm sorry", he apologized, trying to sober up. "It's just... are you two together."

The pair looked at each other with open mouths before quickly shaking their heads, trying to say no at the same time. "Ah, I see. It's just that you remind me of my parents — they've been together for seventy-five years."

The car ride was a bit awkward after that, aside from Stuart agitating Mary Jane in the darkness. "Stop it", she hissed, shoving his hands away from where they were poking at her. "Imbecile."

The car stopped, the Uber driver turning around with a smile. "We're here", he said politely. Stuart paid for the ride before they both got out, heading inside.

"I hate you for this", Mary Jane mumbled as Stuart got tickets for some horror movie that was playing. She still wasn't too keen on the idea and knew that she would probably get scared during — it'd be pure luck if she didn't wind up screaming. She didn't protest much though, following Stuart to the snack section.

"Oh, come on, you'll enjoy it!", Stuart argued, getting a large bag of popcorn.

Mary Jane did not enjoy it.

She had her eyes screwed shut for most of the movie. If her eyes weren't closed, it was because she was getting some popcorn while cowering in her seat. Her hand brushed his a few times during when they had both reached for the buttery snack at the same time, and each incident had them both blushing furiously as they pulled their hands away. In the end though, Mary Jane had grabbed Stuart's hand and held on tightly to it. If it were anyone else, the easily annoyed boy probably would have made them release him, but he just let Mary Jane squeeze his hand every time she felt scared.

"See, that wasn't so bad", the boy chuckled as they left the theater, tossing the empty popcorn bag into the trash.

"It was awful", Mary Jane 'hmphed'. "I'll have nightmares for months!"

"Don't be so dramatic", Stuart chuckled. "It wasn't even that scary!" It only dawned him after he said that that MJ had once come into his room over a thunderstorm, so it probably was very scary for her. He frowned, throwing an arm over her shoulder. "You can always come crash with me tonight if you get too scared. I'll even leave the door unlocked for you." Mary Jane gave him a grateful smile.

They roamed around the mall for a little while, hand in hand, and looking very much like a couple. They went in a few stores before they began to close, buying a few things here and there. On their way back out, Mary Jane noticed a photo booth and let out a loud squeal, pulling Stuart over to it. "Really, MJ? Can't we just—"

"I don't wanna hear it, Stuart. I let you drag me all the way out here, the least you could do is take photos with me."

Stuart sighed, getting into the booth next to her, sitting his bags on the floor. Mary Jane put two dollars into the booth, so they could both have a printout of the pictures, and it started counting down. The first picture they took was 'smiling', the second 'serious', the third 'goofy' — all decisions made by Mary Jane. In the fourth, Mary Jane was kissing a blushing Stuart on the cheek.

"I'm gonna keep these forever", Mary Jane grinned as she looked at the pictures, handing Stuart a strip. ( When she arrived home, she made sure to write 'hung out with Stuart' along with the date on the back, placing them on to of everything else in her suitcase. )

Their night out got a bit wilder than they expected. After grabbing dinner, and a few drinks too many, the two hit the town. They stargazed on a hiking trail, played 'Dance Dance Revolution' in an arcade, as well as several other games, and, at one point, got kicked out of a store.

The sun was rising now, and they were out near the Hollywood Sign. "We're gonna be in so much trouble if we get caught up here", Mary Jane yawned. She never understood why it was technically illegal to come up here. What was she gonna do, steal one of the giant letters and take it home?

"At least I'll be in trouble with you", Stuart answered.

"We're a long way from Google", she added.

"We've got plenty of time", he said, waving off her words.

So the two of them just sat there, watching the sun rise and forgetting about everything else, much like they had done the night that Team Lyle went clubbing.

February 26, 2019

mary jane | stuart twombly ✓Where stories live. Discover now