chapter 11

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Team Lyle had completed the app challenge just in time and made it back to HQ with a minute to spare

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Team Lyle had completed the app challenge just in time and made it back to HQ with a minute to spare. The group was in one of the meeting rooms while they waited for the announcement about the winner. It seemed like it was taking an agonizingly long time to get the results back. The hangovers had set in, and it was not pretty.

Yo-Yo still hadn't completely recovered and wasn't feeling well at all, so he laid on the couch, clutching his bucket to his chest. It was there in case he threw up, which would more than likely happen sooner or later given his current state.

Stuart was lying upside down, his beanie covering his eyes and shielding them from the light that seemed to be stabbing into them every time he peeked out. Mary Jane was lying sprawled out on the floor near his head. It was the spot she had deemed most comfortable. Whether it was because she was just that drunk or because it was close to Stuart was currently unknown.

Neha was in one of the spinning desk chairs, seemingly half asleep still. Lyle was doing the same. It wasn't surprising, they hadn't gotten any rest the night before. Team Lyle had officially partied too hard. Billy and Nick were in the room as well, but the older men knew how to hold their liquor much better than their younger comrades. They were holding up just fine.

Stuart was the one to interrupt the pregnant pause, groaning. "The whole world looks like a giant pinwheel of death right now", the boy mumbled.

"The price of making memories, Stewie", Nick sighed. The boy once again ignored the nickname.

"I feel like I swallowed a bomb, got stabbed repeatedly in the uterus and head, and was then blown to smithereens by said bomb so that now little chunks of my body are all over the place", Mary Jane grumbled.

"Graphic but relatable", Lyle chimed in, barely keeping his eyes open.

"My liver hurts", Yo-Yo groaned, clutching his bucket tighter to his chest.

Chetty began approaching them, making all of them sit up and try to act natural. Stuart's beanie was still low on his forehead, his eyes barely peeking out from beneath it. Mary Jane reached over and pulled it back, nervous about the boy's reaction. It was still a constant game of hot and cold with Stuart. You never knew what you were gonna get when he was near. Thankfully though, he didn't lash out at her but rather leaned into her touch.

"Astonishingly, your app received ten times more downloads than any other team's", he announced. He paused to look around at all of them. Team Lyle was glancing at each other in excitement. "It appears that you have won your first challenge."

"How bout it!", Billy cheered, fist bumping Neha. The team cheered in excitement, proud of themselves for winning their first ever challenge. It seemed that, once they started working together, there was nothing they couldn't do.

"Congratulations", Chetty said, no emotion in his voice. He never showed any, at least not towards the interns, it was a bit depressing when you thought about it. They were all clapping, cheering themselves on. Mary Jane got so excited that she wrapped her arms around Stuart, hugging him tightly before kissing his cheek, leaving the boy stunned.

"I'm sorry!", she squeaked, pulling away, her cheeks red.

"No, no, uh... it's okay", Stuart said awkwardly, clearing his throat. They were both still awkward around each other, especially after their almost kiss.

The celebration was going well, but then Yo-Yo pulled his bucket up to his mouth and vomited. Mary Jane cringed at the sound of it hitting the bucket. Everyone turned to give home sympathetic glances. "Oh, easy there, big guy", Billy sighed, awkwardly patting the boy's back.

"He gets over excited",  Nick explained to Chetty, who was watching the group in confusion. The blonde reached over and patted Yo-Yo's back as well. The boy was still throwing up.

"Lovely", Chetty said sarcastically before he walked away.

"Let it out. Let it all out, old fella", Nick said soothingly, trying to comfort the retching boy.

Winning the challenge had lifted the group's spirits. They all seemed much more awake and energized now. "I don't think Saffron likes me", Lyle randomly blurred out.

"She's totally into you, Lyle, keep rolling with it", Billy instructed. The man nodded, taking out his phone — probably to text his lady friend.

Mary Jane was still in her clothes from yesterday, and she felt pretty fucking gross, but she tried to ignore it. The red head ran her fingers through her tangled hair before she stood up, still twisting the red locks into an intricate braid.

"I'm gonna go out for a bit", she smiled, heading towards the door.

~G O O G L E~

Mary Jane headed down the sidewalk, breathing in the fresh air with a smile. It felt nice to just get out and walk around a bit, explore more of the beautiful building that she was hoping to land a job in. She hadn't originally planned on staying there, but, if it meant she got to be apart of Team Lyle for a long time, then Mary Jane didn't think she could ever have the heart to quit.

Eventually, she took a seat on one of the benches, the warm metal sticking to her sweaty thighs. She didn't get to relax long before something blocked her sunlight. She sighed, looking up. "Hello, Graham, what can I do for you?", she asked with a sarcastic smile.

"Relax, Janey, I just came to apologize — for real this time. I hear you won a challenge, congratulations to you and your team of losers", the dark haired boy said sarcastically.

Mary Jane rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "Don't insult my new friends", she shot back.

"Oh, your new friends?", he said, raising his brows. "You're friends with them now?"

"They're much better company than you and your friends from high school", she scoffed. "What do you want, Graham?"

"I told you, just to apologize", he shrugged. The boy hadn't even actually done that, so Mary Jane rolled her eyes when he repeated himself. "Good luck on the next challenge and all that."

Graham was about to leave, but then he saw Stuart approaching. The boys were practically staring each other down, eyes narrowed. Stuart approached with a sarcastic smile, placing his hands on Mary Jane's shoulders. The action caused her to jump, but she relaxed when she tilted her head back and saw him. Stuart leaned down so they were eye level, though he kept his eyes on Graham. It was like a big 'fuck you' to the boy. Stuart had officially decided to ignore his 'warning.' "Walk with me?"

"Gladly", Mary Jane nodded, standing back up. "Bye, Graham."

February 25, 2019

mary jane | stuart twombly ✓Where stories live. Discover now