chapter 10

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After the club incident, the group was hanging out on a roof near the Golden Gate Bridge

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After the club incident, the group was hanging out on a roof near the Golden Gate Bridge. It seemed like the group was beginning to sober up. Yo-Yo was lying face down on something. Neha, Billy, and Mary Jane were sitting with their legs dangling over the edge while Nick and Stuart stood on the opposite end, staring out at the bridge.

"Do you really like Stuart?", Billy asked Mary Jane, breaking the quiet.

"Maybe — just a little", she mumbled. "But I doubt he would feel the same... not about me", she frowned.

"Are you kidding me?", Billy asked, looking over at her with raised brows. "Do you not see the way he keeps looking at you? Besides, any guy would be lucky to have you. You're pretty and smart and very feisty."

Mary Jane giggled a little, wiping her eyes as she sniffled. "Thanks, Billy", she chuckled.

The girl rested her head on his shoulder. "You should talk to him", he said, nodding in the direction.

"No, no, not right now", she hummed. "Let's all just enjoy this moment for a little while", she smiled.

"I think I like girls", Neha said randomly, once again breaking the calm silence. "At least partially."

Both Mary Jane and Billy and looked at her for a long moment before Billy held out his fist for the girl to bump and Mary Jane hugged her.

"So, did you guys have a good time tonight?", Billy asked. "You know, when Mary Jane wasn't staring at Stuart and Neha wasn't discovering her sexuality?"

"I did not stare at — okay, maybe I did", Mary Jane mumbled. She looked down with a chuckle before looking over at Billy. "Yeah, yeah, I had fun", she nodded. "It was loads of fun."

"Me too", Neha nodded. "I had a good time too."

Meanwhile, across the roof, Nick and Stuart were having a conversation of their own.

"Look at that view! Come on, you're not gonna see that on your little four inch screen!", Nick said, nudging Stuart slightly. "You gotta look up!"

Stuart just snickered, shaking his head. He had pocketed his phone and was actually looking up for once, staring out at the view before him. He glanced Mary Jane's way a few times, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Okay, buddy, you were an animal out there tonight!", Nick praised.

"Nah, no, I wasn't", Stuart said, shaking his head. He was trying to play it off like it was nothing.

"No, you were! Did you have a good time?" He was hopeful that he did since the boy looked bored all the time — literally, all the time.

"Yeah, it was alright", Stuart shrugged, totally downplaying all of this.

"Yeah, it was alright", Nick mimicked, even mocking the boy's voice. "Why do you do that?"

mary jane | stuart twombly ✓Where stories live. Discover now