chapter 9

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The group had taken out the big Google bus that night to hit the town

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The group had taken out the big Google bus that night to hit the town. The ride to San Francisco was quiet, and the group was confused when they pulled up at a restaurant.

As they headed inside, Mary Jane was sure it was an Asian style place, but she wasn't sure what kind. Billy spoke to the woman when they walked inside, which confused the others as they listened.

She led them further inside to a table, where Stuart pulled out Mary Jane's chair for her. Yo-Yo saw this, and quickly did the same for Neha. MJ raised a brow in curiosity. Had she missed something there? "Thank you", Mary Jane said, tilting her head back to smile at Stuart.

"No problem", the boy said simply, sitting down next to her. They all ordered, Mary Jane picking the first thing she knew.

There was an uncomfortable air about them as the food was brought out. They, well, everyone aside from Nick and Billy, were all worried about the app challenge. They didn't want to lose again.

Mary Jane poked at her food for s moment when it arrived before finally taking a bite of the orange chicken. Stuart found it odd when she swirled her noodles around to eat with it, but didn't try to stop her. Her eyes lit up as she continued to eat.

"I take it that it's good then?", Stuart chuckled.

Mary Jane nodded. Not wanting to seem gross and talk with her mouth full, she simply said, "Mmhm."

Idle chatter picked up around them as they all ate, seeming to relax a bit. "Where's your phone, Dark and Stormy?", Mary Jane asked, swallowing her last bite.

"I don't need it", Stuart admitted reluctantly. "I'm having fun just talking to people for once", he shrugged.

"Awe, I'm proud of you", Mary Jane grinned, clapping her hands before she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Stuart stiffened a bit but placed one of his hands over hers.

Billy called for the check and was talking loudly. He apparently made a joke, because everyone burst into laughter around them. The team glanced at each other in confusion, but no one really knew what was going on. Billy turned back to the table. "The waiter said there's a new dance club down the street that's supposed to be great, we should go check it out."

"You're shitting me", Nick said, amazed. It was clear that the man was already a bit buzzed.

"I shit you not, nope!", Billy said.

"Well, what are we waiting on? Let's get some party up in this heezy! Team Lyle, let's hit it!", Lyle shouted, slamming one of his hands down on the table. He stood up once he placed some money down. The rest of the group shrugged, following after.

~G O O G L E~

When they stepped inside, it became clear that this was not a dance club. Mary Jane's jaw fell open in shock as she looked around her at the flashing lights, the tall pole, and the barely dressed women. "Are you sure he said 'dance' club?", Nick yelled to Billy, trying to be heard over the loud music.

mary jane | stuart twombly ✓Where stories live. Discover now