Episode 13: Hardcore Invitation

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The day starts with another nightmare to FH Zrayne. He thoughts back about the girl who left him heartbroken. "Hey, babe. What's the matter?" Nina asked with a sleepy tone. "I..just had a nightmare. Nevermind, i'll be fine. Continue your sleep first." FH answered calmly. "No, you are beyond terrified with that nightmare, I can read it from your face." She asked while still with eyes closed and stuck on the pillow. "I guess you really ARE a Witch Queen." He jokes. "Stop it, babe. Do you mind of sharing it to me?" She asked. "I'm not really in a mood of discussing about the nightmare, but I promise you, I will tell you soon." He said while leaning to her forehead and kissed her. She went back to sleep. He stood up from the bed, slowly putting the pillow beside her to make sure she feels safe. He went to the bathroom to take a shower. After the shower, he heard a hard knocks on the front door downstairs. He quickly put on his casual clothes and went downstairs to see who it is.

He opened the front door and immediately got a hard push to the ground. "This file is for you, Phantom." King Raptor said to him. "What is this and why did you push me down?" He was confused. "Oh, looks like you really are a weak son of a bitch." King Raptor added. "I am not weak, you're the asshole right now." FH said to his face. "Oh that's a cute name. Read the file now." He pointed at the file on FH's chest. FH opens the file and read it. "Is this a some kind of an invitation?" FH asked. "Yes, I am inviting you to come to my hardcore asylum." King Raptor said. "For what?" FH asked. "For you to join in the Madness of Hell match with both WMC Openweight and Hardcore Championships on the line. It will be unified and the winner will walk out as the WMC Openweight title, and everytime he defends it, it will be under a hardcore rules." King Raptor explained. "Yeah, that's fine. I'm not.." FH got cut off by King Raptor with Raptor continued his words. "The match will be open, anyone, any wrestlers attended will be in the ring, fighting out of the limit, until they are stretchered to the hospital." King Raptor added. "Interesting, but..go to hell with this invitation, I'm not going." FH rejected. "Oh, you want to be stuck in the middle of a big case of wrestling world right now, huh?" King Raptor asked. "What is the big case?" FH asked. "The Joker." King Raptor gives a sadistic smile. FH suddenly have a raging eyes and a burning soul. "What do you know about him?" FH asked with an angry expression. King Raptor laughs. "I know a LOT about them, I have eyes everywhere and looks like he is not that professsional of keeping a big surprise from the experts." King Raptor said to FH. "I want to know about him." FH asked. "Calm down, big boy. If you want him so bad, you gotta do what I need you to do." King Raptor offered. "What is it?" FH asked with his inner demons controlling his pure mind. "Join..the invitation. If you win, I will give you the name..the REAL name of the Joker. If you lose, I will only give you..hints..about him. Do I have your attention?" King Raptor offered. "Fine! Put me in to your fucking invitation, I'm fucking in because I want that Joker alive and kick him into the gates of HELL!" FH slams the door shut and he can hear King Raptor laughs hard on the other side of the door. He went to the kitchen and drink some water to calm himself down.

After drinking 3 cups of water, his phone rings and he picked it up. "Hey, FH Zrayne. it's me, Bobby Gibson from MRW. I have a match for you tonight. It will be you and S.O.T.A.L against The Burning Fist in a 4-on-4 tag team match. Do you hear me?" Bobby Gibson offered. "Sure, I'll be there." FH accepted. "Yes! Thank you so much!" Bobby thanked him and hung up the call. He stares into the window and look around the neighbourhood. Nina enters the kitchen and confronted him. "Hey, honey. I heard like the door slammed hard, was that you?" She asked. "Yeah, I did that. Sorry I woke you up." He stares to the ground. "It's okay, tell me who is it?" She asked. "It's King Raptor." He answered. "Wait, what the fuck. The most influential businessman in the entire wrestling world and the King of Mafia met you?" She was curious. "Yeah, he did." He answered with a slow tone. "Did he do something to you?" She worries. "Nah, just a small push but.." He cut off his own words, unable to continue. "But what? Tell me." She asked. "He offered me to join his Madness of Hell match in his hardcore asylum." He answered. "NO! That's a big no from me." She rejected. "But he gave me another offer.." He said to her. "What is it? I don't believe him at all." She asked. "If I win, he will tell me the real name of the Joker so it will be easier for me to search that guy. If I lose, he will only give me hints about the Joker." He explained. "Do you trust him?" She asked. "I don't, but I need to chase the Joker before it gets worse." He answered. "But.." she was cut off by her phone ringing. "Hello? Who is this?" She said to the unknown number. "Nina Hagans, the girlfriend of The Phantom, THE WITCH QUEEN herself! you think you are safe with him? You think he can make sure you survive from me? I'll make sure, not only his life will be miserable, your life will be a living HELL!" The mysterious man threatened her then he hung up the call. Nina hugs FH tightly and cried on his shoulder. "I'm scared." She said. "That's him. That's the Joker. I'll make sure you safe with me, and I will kick his ass back to where he belongs, Hell." He replied.

They continued their day together until the evening. They left the house to go to the MRW show. They went backstage and went their seperated ways to each lockerooms. FH Zrayne gets confronted by S.O.T.A.L, his tag team partners. "Hey, man. How is it going?" Alif Johnson asked. "Yeah, dude. The Joker's really killing your mood as of late." ACR Johnson added. "I don't know why he really desperate to get me, I mean, did I do something bad to him before? I literally don't know his motives other than killling me slowly." FH answered. "Shit..it all made sense!" Fakhrol Johnson with a nerd tone discovering something. "What?" FH asked. "What if you did something bad in your past, that made anyone feel upset?" Fakhrol asked. "I don't remember, any of them. Right after I got beat up and lost my SOW World title, I have a bit of memory loss of my past. If only I.." FH was about to finish his words before a woman knocking on the men's lockeroom door. "Can I meet with FH?" Angelica asked. "Yeah, i'm here. Wait there." FH said to her. FH says goodbye to S.O.T.A.L and walked outside of the lockeroom to Angelica who is standing beside it. "So..is there any problem with Matt?" FH asked with a joking tone. "What? No. He did nothing wrong to me. It's just..it's.." Angelica said to him with a worried tone. "What?" He asked. "Are you still not moving on from the moment we..you know..the park?" She asked. "Which one? I can barely remember any of it considering I had a memory loss a month ago." He was curious. "The one that I rejected you..and ran out of the park, leaving you broken hearted alone.." Angelica said to him with a slow but sad tone. "Oh..that one. I urm..I think so." His facial expression starting to change. "I just wanna say sorry for doing that to you. I feel bad to not asking for your forgiveness ever since the family gathering." Angelica went for a hug to FH. "No, it's fine. The past isn't the matter anymore. We have our own life and love now, let's just do the best for the future. Right?" He asked. She nods and gave a smile to him. Nina was watching the whole talk from a far view and she got jealous. "Calm down, Nina. Maybe it's just..friends thing. But he did the same with me when we were just friends. Fuck it, nevermind. I'll just focus on my match then." She said to herself. Angelica walked towards Nina. "Hey, partner!" She confronted her. "Hey..ready for our tag team match tonight?" Nina asked with her rage hidden inside her soul. "Hell yeah!" Angelica said to her not knowing about her feelings.

The show started for an hour already, the 4-on-4 tag team match between The Burning Fist against S.O.T.A.L and FH Zrayne is up next! All of them made their entrances and arrived into the ring. They had a great staredown that made the fans live up from the edge of their seats. The match started with a slow build-up into a fast-pace showcase. The medium amount of athleticism was shown from the good guys but a great shown of dominance came from the heel team. Teamworks and team moves were all over the place. The match was considered great by the fans up to this point. The match almost came to its end and FH Zrayne tagged in Fakhrol Johnson to do a tag team finisher. FH Zrayne was planning to do a Phantomnizer and Codebreaker combo but the plan was scrapped when The Joker arrived into the scene. FH stops and stares directly into the eyes of The Joker. His eyes turned into a hungry and desperate man, trying to kill a psycho guy who almost ruin his entire career. Dzarif called in all of The Burning Fist members and attacked FH and Fakhrol. Then, they ambushed ACR and Alif who were already down at the ringside. They threw FH out of the ring and focused on the weak, brutalized Fakhrol Johnson. Amin and Adam Bennett went for the double superplex. Khai and Dzarif Bennett went to each one of the turnbuckles. Khai went for the Diving Double Foot Stomp first to Fakhrol followed with a Frog Splash from Dzarif. Dzarif Bennett pinned Fakhrol Johnson to pick up the win for The Burning Fist. FH was laying beside the ring and The Joker walked up to him. "You will never know me, not even the King of Mafia would give any sorts of info about me to you." The Joker taunted FH. He slapped him hard and left the scene.

All of them went backstage, FH was the last one to walked through the curtain of the gorrilla position. Nina walked up to him and give him a hug before letting him go to the lockeroom. FH walked back to the lockeroom and sat on one of the chairs in there. He was thinking a lot about The Joker. He thought to himself "Who is the Joker? What is his  motive on me? Why is he targeting me? Why is he bitching so much about my career and my life?" Suddenly, he take a look into the advertisement of the television inside the lockeroom. "All of the Malaysian wrestling fans will get a big treat! On the National Day, the Malaysian Wrestling Organization has organized that all of the chairmen of every wrestling companies in this country will be opening one big company. All of their companies will be unified as one and it will be a global phenomenon! Just say it..MWE..RWA..WMC..MRW..QMW..all of it will be in one roof! All of the championships from every division will be unified too, and we will also be crowning the first ever, Women's Tag Team Champions! Welcome to the new era, next month! Welcome to the new step into the greater success! Welcome to Malaysian Wrestling Alliance!" The narrator announced. "Hope it will be fun." FH stated. After he finished his shower, he went back home as usual with his girl, quietly into their room and sleep.

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