19: Ashley

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All of this felt a little bit too easy to pull off this simply. Not to sound ungrateful that Max was okay and no one has gotten hurt, but there was still this weird gut feeling. Max could also feel it, I know she could. There was something behind her eyes as the army boys put Grimes' followers in the gas station- she was worried. Hell, so am I. For this group of guys, it seemed too simple and willing for them to give up their weapons and being captured.

Max going to talk to Nathan didn't help anything. She was going to get answers from the guy, but I don't want it to affect her too harshly. She does tend to get into things quickly and abruptly.

"Where's Max?" Steve asked me as I went back to the barrier.

"Gas station." I hopped over the hood of a car, "She's having a lil chat with Manbun."

Steve grimaced slightly, "Oh lord. She's going to get sucked in."

At least he agreed with me.

I nodded, "There's a chance. Thor will hopefully keep her from going too ape shit."

That made Steve laugh. Someone jogged up next to us and I turned to see Amelia coming over. Grinning, she stopped by us and let out a breath.

"Holy shit." She said on her breath out, "That was pretty intense. But we did it!"

"Hell yeah we did!" Steve exclaimed, raising a hand for a high five. Amelia looked at his hand before quickly wrapping her arms around his torso. Surprised, his eyes widened and so did his mouth. Then he slowly put his hands on her back, looking over to me in slight panic.

I tried to hold in a laugh as his face turned a little red. Amelia pulled away and then embraced me in a hug of my own. I laughed slightly and hugged her back, watching as Steve stood there with a still surprised look on his face.

Amelia took a step away from me and looked between the both of us, "I'm glad you're okay, the both of you. Max too! Really, you guys have helped me so much since I've come here. I don't really know how to repay it."

"Just help us in return." I put a hand on her shoulder, "And, please, don't turn in to an asshole. We have enough of those around here."

Amelia laughed and nodded as she lifted my hand to pat it, "Okay, I will try my best-"

"What the fuck?" Steve exclaimed, looking off towards the end of the street. Raising his rifle, he looked through it. I looked to the direction his rifle pointed. At the very end of the street, something moved by the parked moving truck. A black mass swayed passed our barrier. Then there was more behind it and to the other side of the moving truck.

A big horde of zombies.

"Shit." Steve cursed, dropping his rifle. Raising his fingers to his mouth, he whistled loudly to gather to attention of people outside the barrier, "We've got a horde!"

Many people yelled a repetition of his alarm. People jumped the barrier and ran back to defensive positions. Looking over, I saw Thor and Hawkeye run out of the gas station. Seeing the horde, they ran up to us.

"Where the fuck?" Thor yelled, getting on top of the car to address people, "We don't let these things in! Take up positions around the barrier make sure none decide to sneak up on us! Don't shoot until you've got a clear look at their face. We don't want to waste bullets. Go!"

The citizens scattered with their guns to set up position. I stayed by Steve, watching the horde get close. A scream pierced the air and we all turned to the gas station to see one of our guys frantically run out. Two more did as a few of Nathan's men ran after them. However, the men tackled ours and bit at their throats, tearing their flesh. I watched in horror to see black under their eyes.

Steve opened fire on them, dropping them as more came out of the store. The horde was almost to the gas station as well. We set our sights on them, hitting many zombies, but they just kept coming. Gunfire came from the gas station and Max came out, frantically looking around. Two of Nathan's henchmen came towards her but she easily shot them down.

"Max!" I screamed, "Behind you!"

Max turned to see the giant horde. I saw her step back in shock. One last turned henchman came towards her and went to grab her. She easily shot him in the head and threw him down as she held a hand up to her head. She swayed slightly.

"Max!" Thor yelled her name, getting down from the hood and shooting towards the horde, "Get behind the barrier! Now!"

Max turned to us and took a step forward, but ended up falling to the ground onto her knees. Holding her head, I saw her body spasm.

"No!" I exclaimed and tried to get over the hood so I could go to her. Steve, however, grabbed me by around the waist and pulled me back down. I kicked at him, trying to get free, "Max! We have to help her!"

"She's got this, Ash!" Steve yelled, putting me down, but keeping his hands on my arms. He looked me in the eyes, "We need to take down the horde to help her."

Turning back to the horde, he started shooting again. I rose my rifle and tried my best to take down any zombies in the horde. It seemed like they just kept coming for us. More came from behind the moving truck like ants attacking a foreign object near their hill.

A scream broke through the noises of gunfire. Max was on the ground, arching her back and screaming. The horde wasn't paying her any mind. They came to us, leaving her alone. Her screams stopped and she laid on the ground. She was lost in a sea of swaying legs and dirty clothes. We continued to shoot down zombie after zombie. Trying our damn best to take down layer after layer.

We finally started to thin the layer out and my eyes went to where Max laid. She wasn't there. The horde was right in front of our barrier and we had to back up to get away from reaching arms. Through heads, I saw Nathan walking with a body over his shoulder.

It was Max.

"Max!" I screamed, taking down another zombie, "Nathan's got her!"

"Goddammit!" Thor yelled as he let his bullets fly. He climbed on top of a Jeep, getting out of reach from the hands. He aimed his rifle passed the horde and I heard a car engine start up. He pulled the trigger then shot again and again. Pulling his face away from the rifle, he cursed again, "Shit! He's gone."

She's gone.

He took her.

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