21: Max

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My limbs felt like they were suspended in a vat of Jell-o. My eyes were closed, but I could hear everything around me. There was the soft whir of LED lights overhead as well as machinery nearby. Monitors and hard drives with keys being typed on happily. Soft voices moved around my body, coming from all sides as if wasps were swarming me. Slowly, my ears were able to make out words here and there.

"...showing signs...enhanced..in her blood..."

"Can be better...adapt serum..."

"Triple dose."

Hands were on my arms and there was a pinch. My eyes flew open and I saw a bright examination light above me. There were silhouettes at my head, feet, and to my left. With my eyesight being fuzzy, and the definite drugs in my system, I couldn't make out any faces. I tried to move my arms and legs, but they didn't budge. My throat was closed up as I made a strangled noise.

"She's awake." A fourth and familiar voice said. Another silhouette came to my left, "Took you long enough. It's much more interesting with an awake subject."

I opened my mouth and tried once again. My voice came out in a strangled frog croak, "Grimes."

"Well her mind is working." Grimes chuckled and got closer to my face. I blinked a few times to focus on him. He looked nothing like I pictured him. I thought he was going to be this weird, grey-haired guy in a lab coat. Sy-fy doctor style. Grimes was very tan and he had laugh lines around his mouth and forehead. His hair was thick, brunette and windswept back. Blue eyes focused on my face, calculating everything. He smiled, showing white as hell teeth. He had on a Van Halen T-shirt.

My throat wasn't working well again, causing me to sound like I was dying.

"What's that, dear?" Her aimed an ear towards me.

"Fuck...off..." I whispered with a slight laugh.

Grimes threw his head back in a loud, booming chuckle. Looking down at me, he shook his head, "Man. I can't get over how much you're like Grace."

That's my mom. My mom. The one trying to find a cure against this dude. The dude that is keeping me hostage. The dude trying to make this into a weapon. Make me into a weapon. 

My breath came out in a loud puff as I tried my hands again. The restraints were a helluva lot stronger than the ones in the hospital. I pulled and pulled, trying to use my given strength, but they did nothing.

"Relax, Maxie." Grimes chuckled, "I don't want you hurting yourself."

"Or you?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow.

He only huffed a breath through his nose as he straightened up to look at the silhouettes around me. Nodding, he walked off away from me. There was another pinch in my arm and my vision went blurry again before my eyes completely shut.


Light shined in my eyes as I stretched my arms over my head. My spine and shoulders popped as I rolled to my side. A hand touched my face and I opened my eyes to see Ashley smiling back at me. Her hands caressed my cheek as hers eyes went over my face. My forehead sat against hers and I breathed in deeply, closing my eyes.

Opening my eyes, all I saw was bright white. I sat straight up and gathered my surroundings. Instead of my room in the hotel with Ashley, I was in a white room with cinder block walls. There was a sink and toilet on the wall in front of me and the wall to my left was a a glass wall with a sliding door. On the other side were rows of monitors and other expensive equipment that I honestly did not know the names of. Who knows what the hell those things do. Doctors in crisp, white lab coats were walking around and working with the equipment. There were also men in black tactical gear with guns walking around.

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