22: Ashley

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Jeep ran around the room, bouncing off the side of the bed since she couldn't really jump on top and hopping over my legs as I sat on the floor. She yipped at me slightly and jumped in my lap, putting her paws on my chest and licking my face. Turning my head up away from her tongue, I pat her head and held it between my hands as her tongue licked at the air. Her tail wagged and hit my forearms.

Dogs are so lucky. They are always so optimistic and happy. Even though I've only been gone for a few hours, she still greeted me as if I had been gone for years. Jeep has no idea that there is shit being propelled from fans and in to our faces. She is just hopping around and living her happy little puppy life and here I am stressing the fuck out.

I haven't really rested since Thor sent us away to gather our shit before we had to track down those bitches. I walked in to see Trish just chilling with Jeep and she left to go get some rest herself. She should be back any time now to grab Jeep.

We have an hour before we have to go.

There was a knock on my door and I stood with Jeep in my arms. Opening the door, I expected Trish to be standing there.

Chase stood in the hallway, his puffy eyes towards the ground. His feet were firmly on the carpet and his hands were in his pockets. There wasn't a beer bottle in his hand this time. I was about to close the door again, but Chase called out to me.

"Wait! Ashley. Please." His voice was very weak. I opened the door back up to see him looking up. There were dark bags under his bloodshot eyes, "Ashley, I want to apologize."

"Why should I listen?" I asked, keeping my hand on the doorknob.

Chase sighed softly, "I mean, you shouldn't. You have every right to close the door in my face after how I've been to you. I have been a complete asshole and I'm sorry."

He sounded like he was sincere in his apology. The smell of alcohol wasn't on his breath as he spoke. I wanted to feel like I could forgive him, but it didn't feel right. After all of the bullshit he's put us through, he apologizes once.

"I'm not saying that I forgive you." I said, "But I appreciate the apology, nonetheless."

Trish appeared at the end of the hallway and stopped, her hands full of bags that most likely held food. She looked between Chase and I before slowly walking up. Chase looked over at her and took a step back.

He looked to me and smiled softly, "I'll leave you to get ready."

With that, he walked off down the hall and disappeared behind a door. Trish and I watched him go. She glanced at me then looked down to Jeep in my arms, who was wiggling to get to the woman. I backed in to the room and Trish followed. I put Jeep on the bed and sat next to her as Trish put the bags on the counter.

"What was that?" She asked, turning to me and walking to the bed to pet Jeep's head as she jumped to put her paws on Trish's stomach.

"I'm honestly not sure." I shrugged, "Chase just came to apologize to me for acting like a dick."

"Did you believe him?"

I wanted to, really. In times like this, people living in the same community should not have any type of malice within the group. There's already enough enemies in this world. But, with all the things that Chase and Andrew have done, I still don't trust him. "Not really." I answered Trish, "I wish I could. But I can't. No matter how sincere he may sound."

"It's understandable." Trish nodded.

Looking over at the alarm clock on the desk, I stood to go to my backpack. I opened the bag containing the sandwiches and threw a few wrapped ones into my pack before zipping it up.

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