3: Steve

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The West border was quiet. There were a few zomboes swaying through the cars, but they weren't exactly any threat. They were slow and mindless, walking through cars to find whatever meal they could. A few animals would skirt in and out of view, causing the things to change focus. They would even get distracted by their own reflections in windows and start beating on them lazily.

"Idiots." I muttered as I looked through the scope of a rifle. I moved it from side to side, keeping watch for any kind of movement besides the z-boys. They were the least of my worries.

"What's the situation, Stevie?" A voice said behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see Thor coming up the ladder of the guard stand. He hopped up and put his elbows on the railing, "Anything to report?"

"Nothing important." I shook my head and sat my rifle to the side, "Just a few swayers going around. Acting like mindless Wacky Waving Mans."

Thor chuckled softly, "How many you take out?"

I shook my head slightly, "None. They weren't getting too close so why bother."

The army guy looked at me with a raised eyebrow, "We need to exterminate as many as we can when we see them. Release the people from whatever this is."

"But what if Grace discovers a cure?" I asked, "We could save them."

"They're all too far gone." Thor shook his head, looking out over the street. Squinting his eyes slightly, he reached for the rifle before looking down the scope. Pointing it over to a swaying zombie, he pulled the trigger and the silent bullet landed in the zombie's brain. He grinned slightly and put the rifle down, "73."

"73?" I asked.

"That's how many I've killed." Thor said, putting a shoulder against the wood, "Or at least that's how many I've kept track of."

"Jesus..." I breathed out. Killing that many things was crazy to me. Sure that Thor had killed more even before this whole zombie fiasco. "I can't imagine."

"I keep track to keep me sane." Thor said with a slight nod, looking to me. "Any idea how many you've-"

"24." I said, immediately. Sighing, I looked to him, "It keeps me sane too. Numbers and all that..."

He nodded, looking out to the road. "How are you, Steve?"

Well that's a bit loaded.

No one has really asked how I've been. They've kept their eyes on Ashley and Grace, but not me. They would just look at me with gazes of sympathy, avoiding me as if I was broken and sharp. They never asked, however. Only Thor did.

"I'm okay." I nodded, looking out over the street, "Better than I have been. It feels like we all are."

"After these passed few days, yes." Thor agreed, "Back when the shit hit the fan you weren't a happy camper. Killing every sickie you saw. Now you're a gentle observer. You're not angry."

"Oh I'm still pissed." I laughed softly, "Now, I'm only focusing my anger on whatever the hell started this. What made Max that way."

"Any updates?"

I glanced at him. There was still a bit of a sketchy haze when it came to the information that Grace wanted to let the army men know. I trusted them. They were good men. Sure, Hawkeye almost shot Max in the hospital, but he was only doing his job. Grace still made it clear to keep most things hush hush and I don't fuck with Grace's trust.

"Still in a coma. Still fighting." I answered, "Both of them are."

Thor nodded slightly, "Like father like daughter, I...guess..."

There was a soft barking in the distance, making him trail off his sentence. Both of us looked towards the street to see three or four zombies swaying towards a blue Jeep. There was something underneath it, making them bend down and reach. A small, black streak went to the next car, hiding under from the monsters. It was a dog. Maybe a puppy by the size.

"Not again." I whispered slightly, looking down the scope. The zombies surrounded the car, leaving the puppy with no where to go. Releasing a breath, I put down my rifle and took out my pistol.

Thor grabbed my wrist and looked at me, "You're gonna risk your life for a dog?"

"I will always risk my life for a dog." I nodded to him and went down the ladder. Hopping the barrier, I glanced behind me as Thor followed.

"What is with you new guys and going over the barrier to risk your lives for strangers?" Thor muttered softly and raised his pistol. He hit two zombies in the head, drawing the focus of the others. They shambles out and I took two others down. One more popped out and sprinted towards me and I raised my pistol, only having Thor beat me.

"76." He said with a grin.


I laid down on my stomach and looked under the car. There was the little black lab puppy. It looked a few months old, very skinny with a big head. The dark eyes stayed on me as it growled slightly. "Hey, buddy." I smiled softly, "You're okay. I'm here to save you."

Reaching my hand out, the puppy bared it's teeth and snarled. Moving back slightly, I reached in to my jacket pocket and pulled out a stick of beef jerky. Tearing off a piece, I put it at the edge and backed up to give the pup enough room.

"Steve..." Thor warned me, watching for more zombies to come pooping out from behind cars.

"Almost got 'em." I said softly.

From underneath the car, I saw a dark head poked out. The puppy eyed me before going to the beef jerky. She easily gobbled it up. The poor thing probably hasn't had anything good to eat in days. The ribs were visible underneath the dark fur. I ripped off another piece and held it out to her. She looked at me before approaching slowly, sniffing my hand. She took the piece of jerky and chewed on it before coming closer.

"Steve, we gotta move." Thor said to me.

Picking up the pup, I gave her another piece before jogging with Thor back to the border. We hopped over the cars and started walking. I looked down at the pup, patting her head. Her tail wagged slightly and she licked my hand.

"Why the dog?" Thor asked, reaching out to pet her back. "You really want to have one during days like this?"

"We already lost one." I sighed softly, "Ricky. He was Ashley's. A time like this is the best time. We need some puppy love."

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