28: Ashley

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My eyes stayed on the lot outside, I watched as people struggled with the the infected horde. From the doors, I saw Max exit the hospital with her jacket billowing behind her. She went through the crowds easily, separating the infected from the people fighting them. The infected swayed away from people easily, following Max.

"Wow." I said softly.

"Isn't she spectacular?" Grimes said from behind me, still sitting in his chair.

A cold shiver ran through me as I turned to him, "You don't get to talk of her like that. You don't even know her."

"Oh I know her, dear." Grimes chuckled, "Probably more than you know her. I've seen every inch of that brain. Studied it. Been inside of it. I know every deep dark secret she has in that noggin. Every want and fantasy. You were the basis of it. You have no idea."

An eyebrow rose as I started at him. He was pulling me in, I could tell. Everything he's saying could be a complete lie. It could also be the truth.

"Me." I said, "Because of our past?"

Grimes nodded, "Because of your little tiff in junior high. She was devastated, you know."

God, he doesn't need to tell me. Seeing Max in school after her admitting she was gay to me, I was horrible to her. Everyone turned it into her coming on to me and I didn't stop it. How could I?

"I know this by now." I nodded, "I'm trying to make it right."

"Will you be able to?" Grimes asked me, moving to the edge of his chair with pure interest, "After all the shit you put her through? With the impending doom of you and everyone in this homestead?'

He really believes that this will be the end of everyone here.

I shook my head, "No. Honestly, I don't think I'll ever be able to fully make it right. Not just because of this apocalypse that you've caused. But because I was horrible. Horrible to her. She deserves nothing less than everything from me."

Grimes clicked his tongue, "So much self-hatred. You really need to forgive yourself."

"Shut up." I shook my head and went back to the window.

Down in the lot, the infected were all swarming towards the forest behind the alleyway. Max was bracing herself against the car with Thor and Hawkeye  in front of her. She took off towards the doors of the hotel and I saw her kneel next to someone. Smoke blew into the window, blocking my view.

Unable to see more, I turned back around. Suddenly, a force pushed me against the window. Grimes held his arm across my chest, pinning me to the glass. He grinned in my face, his hair brushing against my cheeks.

"You're the variable I didn't count on." He whispered to me, "A thing that's standing in my way that I need out."

I struggled against his grip and was able to shove him away. As I twisted around him, he quickly wrapped his arm around my neck and pulled me back. I tried to scream out, but he pressed on my throat to stop the noise.

"Max will not give in to me unless her spirit is crushed." Grimes pulled me around until my face was against the glass.

Max was kneeling with Steve. She then picked up the woman laying on the ground and headed towards the hospital.

"You are the love of her life." Grimes said softly to me, "You are what's keeping her back. If you are gone, then she will have no choice but to follow me."

"You-you're insane!" I breathed out, feeling spots at the edge of my vision, pulling at hit arms.

The door slammed open and Grimes was pulled backwards, taking me with him. A force hit the back of Grimes and I fell forward. My head hit the windowsill and the world around me echoed as I hit the ground. My vision doubled. My hand touched the ground and I tried to push myself up, but I slipped. Red was smeared on the ground and I touched my forehead. More red was on my fingers.

My eyes went to the other side of the room. Grimes was on the floor with a man stepping on his chest. The man was in a hospital gown and had the build of a rectangle. A scruffy beard was on his face and his brown hair was stringy and in his face, but I could see black veins on his arms and legs.

I haven't seen him in years, but I recognized him as Max's dad.

"You..." Ron growled at Grimes, "You!"

"Ron!" Grimes could barely breathes, his hands pawing at the man's foot, "Ron, let's talk about this!"

"You did this to us!" Ron bellowed, "To my daughter!"

"Ron..." I shakily got to my feet, gripping the windowsill, "Ron, stop...stop. Please."

Ron looked up at me. His usual blue eyes were milky white with black veins underneath. Anger furrowed his brow, but he looked to me with familiarity and friendliness.

"Ashley Anderson." He muttered, his brow softening. "Not Max."

"No." I shook my head, "Max is coming. She's coming back. So, please. Don't kill him. Yet. Don't do that in front of your daughter. Not before we can help her. And you."

Ron looked at me for a moment, then down at Grimes. He pondered for a moment. Finally, he took his foot off of Grimes and then reached down to grab his bound hands. Easily, Ron lifted him up and threw him down on the chair.

"God!" Grimes blew his hair out of his face, "Thank you, Ash! I thought I was gonna get Hulked out on!"

"Fuck. You." Ron muttered.

Like father like daughter.

"Ron?" A voice from the door said softly. There was Grace. 

She stood in the doorway, staring at the man in front of her. Her eyes slowly went over him in disbelief. Slowly, she came towards him. Grace's hand lifted to gently trace his face, feeling his beard. Grace smiled and shook her head.

"I called bullshit on them saying you broke out." Grace said softly, "I can't believe it."

"Grace." Ron's shoulders relaxed as he lifted his hands to her face. He held her face for a moment and smiled, "You're so beautiful."

Footsteps echoed from the hall. Two more peopled busted up into the room. It was Steve and Max carrying Amelia in her arms. Blood soaked her shirt and her skin was pale. Max quickly sat her down on the bed and turned.

"Mom! Amelia she-she's been-" Max's words died as she noticed Ron standing with her mom. Her mouth stayed open and her eyes were wide. They went to me and she noticed my bloody forehead and dazed expression.

"What-" Max blinked a few times and shook her head, pointing around the room, "What the fuck just happened?"

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