4: Steve

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"Absolutely not." Ashley said to me, crossing her arms and glaring as me as I ceremoniously held the pup out in front of me.

I pulled the puppy back to my chest and furrowed my eyebrows as I felt my jaw drop, "B-But...puppy!"

"Yes, I know what it is." She went over to the chair that held the folded sheets of her bed. She started putting the fitted sheet on as she continued to speak, "However, I can't afford another heartbreak from a dog dying on me. That pup is cute as hell and I would like it to stay alive."

"And she will!" I interjected, striding up next to her, "Give lil Jeep a chance."

Slowly, she turned her gaze to me, "Jeep? You've already named her? And after a car?"

"She was hiding under one and I think it's a classy name." I defended while petting one of Jeep's ears, "I think we can call her Jee for short."

"Ah yes, because that 'P' sound is so difficult." Ashley sighed while looking at Jeep. The puppy stretched out her nose towards Ashley, sniffing and wagging her tail. Ashley looked at me, "I don't care if she stays here, but I'm not taking care of her."

I scoffed, "Oh come on, Ash! Look at this face!" I pulled Jeep up so that her back was in front of my face. I took her paws in my hands and flopped them around as I pulled out the big guns. Talking in my best baby voice, I said, "Pwease, Ashwey? I'll be good. I pwooooomise. I be the best wittle doggie there is! My bweath doesn't even smell bad! See?"

Pushing her forward, I got Jeep's face in Ashley's. The pup licked her face, making Ashley giggle softly. She took Jeep in to her arms as the pup squirmed, tail wagging. Patting her behind the ears, Ashley grinned and looked down at her. Her eyes came back up to me, "Steve, I swear to god-"

"I know. I know." I put my hands up, "I won't let anything happen to this one. I promise. I know how much you love dogs. One doggo death is a rule. No more after that."

"Okay..." She looked me over before sitting on the bed. Jeep sat in her lap and immediately laid down. Ashley stroked her back, watching her with a calm expression, "God, I never thought I would pet a dog again."

"You are welcome." I grinned at her as I sat on the bed, "I couldn't just leave her out there. Plus I knew that we needed some pupper love at this time in our lives."

I reached over a scratched Jeep's head. She let out a yawn and sprawled out, getting comfortable. The poor thing must have been exhausted after running from those things. I wish I knew where her mom was. No puppy should be out alone in a world like this. No puppy should be alone ever.

"Have you seen her today?" Ashley asked, looking up at me, "Max."

"I saw her this morning, right after I woke up." I nodded. Thor had me out at the borders first thing that morning. I could hardly sleep so I knew I needed to visit Max. You could say that I don't exactly go to see her as much I should, "Have you?"

"Not today. Not yet." She shook her head, still keeping her eyes on Jeep, "Every day I was in there, I kept having this idea that there would be something knew. Some kind of update besides her just laying there. I guess I'm trying to make myself think of something else."

"Like a puppy." I gestured to Jeep, making her smile, "But I get it, Ash. Walking down that hallway, I had this idea that I would see Max sitting up in her bed. But, no, she was still laying there. Her and her dad both."

We both just sat there for a bit, petting the puppy and relaxing. It was nice. It almost made me forget about everything. Forget about the apocalypse, about Max, about the many times I've almost died in the last week. Things I know I will never forget about.

"Ash, what do you think will happen once this is over?" I asked suddenly.

"Well we won't be petting a puppy, that's for sure." She countered, smirking up at me.

I hit her shoulder with mine, "No, doofus, I mean the apocalypse. When we take down this Grimes guy and his bitches and develop a cure. Like, we can be normal again. We can live life. Go to college or some shit. We'll be free to do whatever, but after all this..."

"It would be hard." She nodded, meeting my eyes, "To forget all this. What we've done... what others have done... we won't be the same that's for sure."

"I don't know how the government is going to come back from this," I shook my head, "I mean, after trying to cover this up... I don't know how they'll try to keep us quiet. I don't really want to know."

"They have to be brought to justice." Ashley said, "People must know what they've done. They can't just keep doing this."

That made me laugh slightly, "They're the friggin government. They can basically do anything and everything they want and more. I mean, just look at this. They can come help us. Will they? No. Why? They want to see the virus in action and keep their plans on the DL."

"Which makes Grace's work even more important." She shook her head slightly.

Almost on queue, the radio on Ashley's bedside table emitted static. Through it, we could hear Grace's voice, "Ashley? We've got some news on Max and her father. Head over to the hospital as soon as you can."

Ashley and I looked at each other before heading towards the door. She stopped and looked down at the puppy in her arms before going back to the bed and let Jeep lay down. Jeep yawned before flopping her head down on the mattress, breathing calmly.

"Oh my god she's so fucking adorable." Ashley breathed out before we both walked out the door towards the hospital.

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