23: Steve

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Nothing in all of my video game playing could have prepared me for what I stumbled upon. Opening those lab doors, I thought I was going to find Max safe and sound in a holding cell or locked classroom. Grimes would be trying to get away, but Thor would stop him. We would all go back to The Homestead and Grace would be waiting for us with a cure.

But no.

I opened those doors to see Ashley standing in front of a figure in a hospital gown, a dead scientist on the desk next to it. The blonde hair and ponytail made me think of Max, but I didn't want it to be true.

She had blood on her mouth and on her arms. Her eyes were crazed and desperate. I saw the girl that I've known for years, but I also saw a hint of the monsters we've killed over the passed few weeks.

Holding my rifle up, all I could do was hover my finger over the trigger as she begged me to stop her. Ashley's voice echoed in my ears, pleading with me to stop. As Max fell to the ground, my finger went to the trigger. She looked up at me, her eyes slowly fading.

The intercom broke my attention, forcing me to cover my ears. The voice that followed, could only be Grimes.

His words bounced in my skull and turned my blood to ice. I huffed out of my nose, clenching my jaw as I scanned the lab. My eyes shifted up to the dark windows on the second level. The one in the middle left side suddenly burst to life with light.

Nathan was by the window, a rifle in his hands. A man next to him stood with opened arms towards us. He looked like a McJagger look-alike in a lab coat. Two other men in black combat gear were behind them.

"Hello!" McJagger Wannabe grinned at us, "Nice to finally meet you two! I've learned so much. So much."

That last point was jabbed towards Ashley. She raised her gun and shot four rounds into the window. Unfortunately, that only caused four chips in the glass.

That only caused Grimes to chuckle, putting up his hand in defense, "Wow! You really are a spitfire! Sorry, honey, we're smarter than that. These babies can hold almost every blast there is. Not nuclear, of cour-"

"Shut up!" Max roared, shaking the ground underneath us. Shakily, she rose to her feet and looked up at Grimes, "You're gonna lose."

Shaking his head, he merely smiled at her, "Oh Maxie. A fighter's spirit. That's why I chose you."

"No one fucking cares!" She yelled, "I'm going to rip your fucking throat out. Then we'll see just how much of a fighter I am."

Grimes whistled, "Okay. Okay. I would love that. Really. However, I have a lot more for you to do. First things first. Kill those two and we'll be on our way."

Clutching her head, Max fell to the ground once more. Her whole body shook, holding on to a desk for support. I lifted my rifle, setting my sights on her head. Screaming in pain, her back arched and she threw her head back.

"Steve!" Ashley screamed.

I looked up to her. Tears were streaming down her cheeks as she shook her head. I opened my mouth, but there was a slam from the observation room. My eyes went up just as the doors behind Grimes and his men burst open. Thor, Hawkeye, and four others came in with their guns raised. Grimes and Nathan instantly put their hands up. As Thor and Hawkeye forced them against the glass, I could see Grimes smirking down at us.

Max hunched back over, a growl shaking the room. I looked back to her, raising my gun.

"Make it stop!" I yelled to Grimes, "Now!"

Thor put his pistol up to Grimes' head, "Do as the kid says, AC/DC."

"I'm more of a Rolling Stones man." Grimes chuckled, earning punch to the kidneys.

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