Chapter 1

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I just got on the plane and knew it would take a few hours to get to Washington. Lucky pain in the ass vampires can run and get there faster. Sadly I am only half so it would take me longer to get there than it would a full vampire. You see after I was bit by James and Edward. He took too much time to suck out the venom so I have every supernatural thing a vampire has except the glowing rock hard skin and different colored eyes. I have super speed, strength, hearing and sight. It has made me a great asset to the Army.

I also have a power but don't use it unless necessary. I can control the elements and the weather. Great power too. A vampire one time tried to drain Gerald and I burned his ass to ash. Gerald promised not to tell anyone as long as I used it only to protect the innocent and protect the innocent I shall.

I pulled out my Ipod and began listening to 'every rose has its thorn' by guns and roses. I must have fallen asleep cause next thing I know I am being woken up by a stewardess. I pulled out my head phones and looked up at her. Damn she's tall.

"Ma'am we are about to land do please turn off your Ipod." I nodded and smiled.

I pressed the power button and watched it turn off. I felt the plane descend and smiled. Then I remembered why I was coming home and my smile fell. We finally landed and I stood to leave. I walked over to the baggage claim and grabbed my duffle. I felt some one pull on my uniform pants and looked down to see a little brown haired girl about four years old.

"Thank you for yow service ma'am." I smiled at the little girl then the mom came.

"Annabelle you know better than to run off like that. I'm sorry if she was bugging you." I smiled at the worrisome mother.

"Not at all she's cute. I'm Isabella." I said holding out my hand to her.

"Jessie It's nice to meet you. What branch do you work in?" She asked while shaking my hand.

"Army." she nodded then smiled.

"Then you must know my dad. Gerald Diotte." I nodded.

"Yup I know him. He's a great guy. Him and my dad use to be friends." Then I remembered again why I was hear and blinked the tears away and smiled at Jessie.

"It was nice to meet you Jessie but I have to go. Can't keep family waiting." She nodded and I left.

I sighed as I waited for Jasper, Peter, and Charlotte to show themselves somewhere. I then decided to walk outside and smoke real quick. I lit one up and took a pull off it and blew out the smoke. I looked down at my duffle and nudged it softly bored out of my mind. I then looked up and to my left to see Peter waving at me like a lunatic and laughed a bit. I put my cigarette out, picked up my duffle and walked over to them. I was then pulled into a bone crushing hug.

"Belly bear I missed you." I laughed at Peter's nickname for me.

"Put me down or I'm throwing you across the parking lot into that nice Ford pick up over there." I told him and he dropped me.

"Where?" I laugh then was pulled into a soft hug.

"Its good to see ya sug though I wish it was on better circumstances." She pulled away as I smiled sadly at her.

"You and me both char." I then looked over by their truck to see Jasper smoking a cigarette next to the passenger door.

He looks way hotter than the last time I saw him. I took my time looking at him trying to mesmerize everything about him. He was wearing Levi light blue jeans a blue button up shirt with the top two buttons undone, grey cowboy boots, and a grey cowboy hat.

I looked at his face and it was made as if Adonis carved it himself. That was when I looked into his burgundy eyes and got lost. I couldn't look away. I reluctantly looked away when I heard Peter clear his throat.

"Yes Peter?" I questioned annoyed that he ruined my gawk-at-Jasper time.

"Not to burst your bubble but we need to go if you want to get to Forks before nightfall." I nodded and threw my duffle in the back and shut the top.

Jasper held my door open and helped me in he then shut the door and got in the other side.

"Where too?" Peter questioned. I rolled my eyes.

"Peter we are going to my house. Can vampires lose brain cells? gesh." Jasper chuckled while Charlotte winked at me.

"I don't think so but Jasper's venom must of screwed up something in Peter's brain." I laughed knowing that was an insult to both Jasper and Peter.

"Hey!" They both yelled.

Charlotte and I high fived and laughed. The whole ride to Forks we bickered back and forth laughing at each other. Then we pulled up to my old home I shared with Charlie and the happy atmosphere just died. I felt Jasper grab my hand and squeeze it.

"You know I have a house not even a block from here with three bedrooms. We can go there if ya want." Jasper said. I shook my head and let out the breath I was holding.

"I'll be fine. Are ya'll gonna stay here or go to your house?" I questioned him hoping he would stay.

I don't know why but the whole time I was away from him it was like a hole was ripped through my chest. The pain was sometimes so bad that there were times when I had to call in sick.

"I'll be stayin' with you. Peter and Charlotte are staying at my house." I nodded and we all got out.

I grabbed my duffle from the back and walked into the house. I walked up the stairs to my old room. It still looked the same, other than the paint chipping off the walls and the bed sheets needing to be washed.

I put my bag down and took the sheets off the bed and threw them in the half full hamper. I grabbed the hamper and took it down stairs and put it in the wash then walked back into my room. I sighed as I walked over to my closet to see my whole camo outfit I use to love so much. I smiled and decided to put it on.

I took off my uniform and put on the camo tank top, the short shorts and the camo combat boots. I then walked over to my dresser to find my survival bracelet and clipped it on my wrist. I let my hair down and smiled as it fell past my hips in curls. I let my dog tags hang outside my shirt and walked down stairs to find Jasper on the couch channel surfing. I rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen and grabbed a beer.

"Full vampires can drink can't they?" I asked him half tempted to break out the whiskey.

"Yup." I nodded then put the beer back in the fridge and grabbed the jack in the cabinet.

"Good cause I ain't drinkin' alone." I grabbed two glasses and walked into the living room and plopped down on the couch next to him. I put the glasses down on the table and poured a good amount into them.

Me being half vampire I can't get alcohol poisoning. I handed him a glass and grabbed mine.

"To vampirism lets hope we never die out." He chuckled and clinked his glass with mine.

"To Charlie what a great man he was." I smiled softly at him.

"I'll drink to that." I then downed my drink and we spent the rest of the night drinking away our sorrows.

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