Chapter 2

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A/N: Vampires sleep in my story. They don't have to but they can.

Chapter 2

I awoke the next morning on the couch with a huge head ache. I turned my head to see Jasper on the coffee table passed out and giggled. I poked him in the side with the toe of my boot and he jumped and fell off the table.

"Son of a bitch!" he yelled while I laughed at him.

"That was mean Izzy." He said to me while I was still laughing. He groaned holding his head.

"Damn how much did we drink last night." I looked around and found two jack bottles and a few beer bottles.

"By the way the living room looks I would say we drank a lot." I told him rubbing my temples. He groaned and fell back to the floor.

"Man I think I drank more than last time." I spoke up. He then rose back up raising his eye brow at me. I grinned.

"Emmett 'babysat' me one day when all ya'll were out hunting and me and him got so wasted it was hilarious." He rolled his eyes.

"Of course Emmett would give a 17 year old alcohol." I giggled a bit then looked at the time.

"Shit!" He jumped at that looking around alert.

"What what's wrong." I Jumped up and ran vampire speed to my room.

"I was suppose to meet Billy at the morgue two hours ago." He growled.

"Alright I'll get dressed." I nodded and dug through my closet for something good.

I grabbed my camo skinny jeans, my white butterfly skull tank top, and my camo jacket. I took a quick shower Then braided my hair. I then got dressed and put my camo boots back on along with my dog tags and survival bracelet. I then ran out to the garage and pulled the tarp off my old bike. I smiled at the old timer. Yes I named my bike the old timer. It's a really old bike that still works and goes over 200mph. I grabbed my helmet off the shelf and ran over to the key hold and grabbed the keys then jumped on.

"Jasper if you are not out here in two minutes I am leaving without you." I growled out.

I pressed the garage door opener and started the bike. I put my helmet on just as Jasper jumped on the back and I sped off. We finally arrived to see an annoyed Billy and a pissed off Jacob. I took the helmet off and saw Peter and Charlotte show up. I sighed in relief. I wont be alone. I turned to Billy ready to introduce them when Jacob began to rant.

"You brought red eyes with you. Bella what's wrong with you. Plus you brought the scared pathetic one." I growled ready to kill him. The clouds began to roll in and the wind whipped around me. I could feel my rage build and clenched my teeth.

"You will watch how you speak of my family mutt or I will strike your sorry ass." I growled out through my teeth. I then felt calm flow around us and gave Jasper a grateful look. The storm calmed for now.

"Look Jake they were there for me after you ditched my ass for your imprint Shelly. They are my family especially since I am part vampire so piss off." I then shoved passed him saying, "lets get this over with." and Peter, Charlotte, and Jasper followed me in along with Jacob and Billy.

I walked in to see coffin displays around me and let a few tears fall but kept the rest for later. I sighed out in grief.

"This is gonna suck." I felt Jasper grab my hand and sent me reassurance and I smiled sadly at him as Mr. Marion walked in.

"Awe, Ms. Swan I am sorry for your loss. Come with me I have his coffin set and ready Mr. Black wished for you to see it before he is put in it tomorrow." I nod and held onto Jasper's hand for dear life.

He squeezed my hand and pulled me forward. I walked into the room they had the custom made coffins in and saw one that said 'Charlie Swan' on it and about broke down then and there. I took a breath and blinked back the tears.

"This makes it too real." I said softly so only the super naturals could hear. I walked forward and he opened the coffin lid and it had a huge steelers symbol in the middle. I couldn't take it anymore. I shook my head.

"He would love it." That was when I just let the tears fall. I broke down right there.

How dare they take him from me. I felt cold arms wrap around me and shoved my face in the persons chest the smell of cinnamon and leather filled my nose and I knew it was Jasper.

"Get me outta here." I said. "Please." I begged. I let the overwhelming emotion of grief and misery take over and I passed out.

Jasper's POV

For some reason seeing her like that. Passed out cold in my arms feeling so much pain and grief. It caused me so much pain. I have never had this reaction with Alice and it had me wondering if maybe Alice wasn't my mate. Peter has explained what it is like to find your mate. You could feel the Mating pull it was as if nothing was holding you to this earth but your mate (be it a woman or man) you look into their eyes You are lost to everyone.

That's how it was the second time I saw Bella or Izzy as me and Peter now call her. It was odd. When she walked out the door lighting the cig I couldn't help but wish I was that cigarette. When she saw us she smiled and it Brightened up my who world and when she looked into my eyes I was sure I was lost. I knew then she was mine. I wonder if she knows. I picked her up and took her out of the building and got in the back seat of Peters truck with her head on my lap.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and texted Peter to take her bike back to her home after and to have Charlotte drive the truck to drop us off at her home. It took a few hours but finally Peter and Charlotte came out of the building. Peter headed to her bike while Charlotte headed towards us. She got into the truck and turned to look at Isa with a worried look.

"She's fine Char. She is just grieving finally." Charlotte started the truck and began the drive back home.


A/N Sorry for it being so short could barely think of anything. Comment please!

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