Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Bella was out for the whole day after seeing her fathers coffin. Then again my reaction when my father died in the war was about the same as her's except I didn't pass out. I put my whole head in the game and joined the war to avenge him. That's when I met Maria and so on so forth.

"Jazz wanna grab the aspirin, man my head hurts." I would have laughed at her if the situation was any different.

I got up off the couch and walked into the kitchen to get the bottle of pain pills she insists on taking when her head hurts. Blood works wonders on vampires when we get head aches. I grabbed a water from the frig and walked up stairs into Bella's room to find her going through her closet for her outfit for tomorrow.

"Wear the black blouse and blue jeans. I remember I bought you a pair of boots to match that outfit." I told her while she jumped two feet into the air.

"I would but I lost the blouse...oh wait never mind, found it." I chuckled at her and put the pills and water on her night stand and sat down on her bed.

I pulled out the box that had the boots. It was under the bed and I sat it in her rocking chair with the other cloths that were on it I told her to wear. She sat down on the bed and plopped back onto her back.

"Can we go bug Peter and Charlotte. We can go to that country club in Port Angles." That was when the door bell rang.

"I got it you stay." She rolled her eyes.

"Woof." I laughed at her and went to answer the door. I looked through the window to see Peter all dressed up to go out.

"Come on in Peter. Charlotte." I then walked back towards the stairs.

"Hey Jasper I'm in for the whole country club thing. Now go get your butt dressed."

I heard Bella yell. "yes!" Then she was running around her room looking for something to wear.

Finally after a few more minutes she came down in a pair of daisy dukes, a white tank top, tan cowgirl boots, and a tan cowgirl hat. Her hair was left down to fall over her shoulders. Damn if I wasn't a southern gentleman. Peter gave me a knowing look.

"Hey Bells isn't that the outfit Charlotte got you for your last birthday?" She smirked at Charlotte and nodded.

"Yes sir it is. What ya think. Am I country enough." That's when I finally figured out her accent.

"Bella where were you born?" She looked at me odd.

"Austin Texas why?" I gapped at her like she was an angel from heaven.

"Well I'll be. That's where Jasper was from ain't that right Jay?" I nodded still a bit shocked that I haven't met her before.

"You mean to tell me you have had that accent the whole time and didn't bother to let it out the whole time we were around ya?" I asked her a bit put out that I didn't get to hear it from her.

"I was eighteen and douchward didn't like it so I hid it for a pretty long time. then he left and I let myself go and became my self again. I mean you haven't noticed my accent when I met you at the airport the other day? That's odd." She walked over to the table next to the front door where her purse was.

She pulled out her wallet and put some money, her license, her ID card, and a debit card in her pocket then grabbed her keys and walked out to the garage door and opened it. What I saw would make any man drool. It was a huge four door black and orange ford f-750. I instantly fell in love with it.

"I have a question." Bella looked at me as if to say 'continue.' I looked her straight in the eye and asked? "Can I drive?"

She laughed at me and got in the driver's seat. "I knew she would do that." Peter said to me as he and Charlotte got in the back of the truck while I got in the passenger seat.

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