Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I awoke the next morning to my daughter crying. Jasper woke up the same time as me and walked over and took her from the crib and held her close to him and began walking around trying to calm her down.

"She's probably hungry bring her here." I said softly and he did as told and handed her over. I began to breast feed her and she sighed.

"Knew it." I mumbled still half asleep. Jasper chuckled at me and I smiled at him.

"Mothers intuition kicks in again." He said and I laughed softly at him.

"Can't help it, just happens." I smiled at Maryanne as she pulled away and looked up at me in wonder. She reached a hand out and touched my face and I gasped at what I saw. It was when she was born which was obviously yesterday. Me being half vampire I heal fast so I'm good. She showed me how exhausted I looked and how happy she was to see me and Jasper. Then how she woke up and didn't see us and got scared. I held her closer and she sent me happiness then pulled her hand away from my face.

"She has a power." I said smiling at my daughter.

"I know she sent her emotions straight at me cause she didn't want to wake you up." My smile brightened and I giggled.

"Momma loves you little Mary always. Even if you wake me up." She giggled at me and tugged my hair. I made a face at her and she giggled. I turned to Jasper about to ask him to get me a sandwich but only found him passed out in his chair.

"Your daddy's a pain." I said and she giggled again. I threw the blanket off and got up and walked out of the room still holding Maryanne and went downstairs to find everyone in the kitchen.

"Hello little Bell." I smiled as Marcus kissed my forehead.

"Hello uncle Marcus." I said softly and took the cup of coffee he handed me. I took a sip and sat down next to him on the couch. Maryanne gave Marcus a look of wonder and reached for him.

"Wanna hold her." I asked and he chuckled and took her from me. I smiled as he cooed at her and she giggled.

"I'm gonna spoil her." I laughed and smiled.

"I know who else is going to spoil her." I said knowing aunt Didyme would be happy to know she could show herself to Marcus again.

"Who?" he asked just as she walked into the room.

"Me my love." He gasped then turned to me.

"Did you..." I nodded and smiled as I took Maryanne from him and nodded behind us.

"Go reunite I know you want to." He nodded and ran to her happily. What knowing a witch has its up sides. I took another drink of coffee then looked up as I heard Jasper freaking out.

"I'm down stairs love Maryanne is with me." I said in a normal voice knowing he can hear me. He ran downstairs and joined me in the living room and I laughed at him.

"You should know I would never leave without a fight." I said to him with a stern voice. I looked over to him to see him starring at our wedding picture.

"That was the best day of my life other then when Mary was born of course." I said and he smiled and kissed me then kissed Mary on the forehead.

"I agree." He sat down next to me and we began to watch the game like old times except I didn't have a beer. I had a baby. I giggled at that and he gave me an odd look.

"Just thinking of how instead of a beer I have a baby which I am very happy about. I do miss those days." He chuckled at my longing look.

"Someday when you're not breast feeding you can have a beer." I rolled my eyes at him.

"As if I didn't already know that you pain." I grumped at him and he laughed and kissed me. That's when Jane walked in and smiled at me.

"Hey momma." I smiled at her and patted the spot next to me.

"Howdy darlin." She giggled and sat down next to me.

"Can I hold her?" She asked and I nodded and handed Maryanne to Jane. She smiled at Jane and Jane giggled.

"She's so adorable. I always knew you guys would make cute babies." I chocked on my coffee at that and Jasper busted out laughing while I was coughing up a lung.

"Where in the name of god did that come from." I gasped out at her. and she laughed.

"It was Alec's idea to say that." I rolled my eyes.

"Of course it would be. Secretly I agree." I said and Jasper went into shock where as Jane and I started laughing. Then the door busted open and Dimitri came in carrying Alec who was missing a leg which was in Felix's hand.

I growled and flashed over and took him and his leg from both men.

"Explain now." I said and ran back to the living room.

"Jane take Maryanne to the safe room give her to Jessica." She nodded and ran out of the room and came back to help put her brother back together.

"I'm sorry honey but this is gonna hurt a lot." I said to Alec Who nodded.

"It's fine mom can't be worse then losing it." I gave him a look and he sighed.

"It's gonna be isn't it." I gave him a sympathetic look and used my venom to reattach his limb and flinched when he let out a pained cry. I ran my hand through his hair flinching when he would whimper.

"I'm sorry baby I'm so sorry." Jasper laid his hand on my shoulder and that is when the rage returned.

"Who did this to my child." I yelled. I'm sure my eyes turned a scary looking red at this point. I could hear a storm brewing outside and Dimitri and Felix both flinched.

"Aro." They said and I snarled.

"They will be here soon." I nodded and turned to Jane and Alec.

"Get to the safe room change of plans you will stay and protect your sister and Jessica's family am I understood." They both nodded. I then turned to the others.

"Jasper gather the covens make it quick. Felix get my uncle and his wife. Dimitri come outside with me now." I said and they ran to do their jobs. We walked outside and played the waiting game.

Aro's POV

"Master are you sure this is a good idea. Just Alec's loss of limb pissed her off. She is more dangerous then we thought. We have no chance without Chelse." I snarled and back handed Santiago angrily.

"You think I don't know this. I have called into every coven we know. They all side with her but there is one thing we have that they don't." Santiago gave me a confused look.

"A shield." I said and laughed evilly. They will be ended.

Hey guys sorry that I haven't been updating for so long I've been busy with school and stuff like that I thought I would start a fresh New Years Day.
Love, Goddess_Seiko❤️💜💙💛💚

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