Women 2 Women

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Gloria glared at Sora.

"What are you doing here?"

She asked. Sora was surprise to even see Gloria in the apartment.

"I should be asking you the same thing"

"You have no business being over here"

Gloria said crossing her arms over her chest trying to keep her attitude at bay. Sora smirk at her as she rubbed her slight baby bump on her belly.

"It is my business, because after all Tai is the father of my unborn child"

"We don't know that it's even his to begin with"

She said trying to ignore Sora's baby bump, but inside she felt her heartbreak at the betrayal but remained strong. Sora pouted at Gloria as she placed both her hands on her hips.

"Why are you in denial about what happened between me and Tai?"

"Because your words mean nothing to me"

Sora laughs as she rolled her eyes.

"You're such a child, I can't believe he is still with you"

"Says the one who slept with my fiance. Tai is with me because he loves me and that is the only reason he needs"

"Don't get used to it because pretty soon, Tai will be crawling back to me, once he sees our beautiful child"

"If he's even the father"

Gloria said with a smirk. Sora glared at her heatedly.

"What does that suppose to mean?"

"You're a big girl, you can figure it out"

She said smoothly. Sora glared angrily at Gloria.

"Are you implying I slept with someone else to pin it on Tai?"

"I don't know you tell me, after all I am a child since you say"

She said with a smirk.

"I want to talk to Tai"

Sora said ignoring what Gloria said.

"You can't speak with him"

"What are you his mother?"

"First of all, that was a stupid question because you know who I am to him and secondly you can't speak to him because he's not here, dumb ass"

"Why you little slut, I'll teach you some manners"

Sora said as she swing her arm back and forward to slap Gloria but Gloria easily blocked her and pushed her back roughly until her back hit the wall. Sora was surprise to be push hard.

"How dare you??!! You could have hurt my baby!!"

She yelled. Gloria ignored her yelling and spoke to her.

"You should have never tried to put a hand on me"

"I don't care, but you are not suppose to hit me, I'm pregnant. You just want me to lose Tai's first child"

At those words, Gloria snapped as she punched Sora on the cheek causing her to fall from the harsh impact. Gloria was seeing red as she got on top of Sora and began punching her. Ignore the sound of her cries and please to stop. Gloria heard someone yelled but ignored it.

"Hey! Stop!"

Tai yelled as he ran towards the two girls.

"Gloria stop!!"

Tai yelled pulling her off of Sora. Gloria turn to face him and gave him a hard slap to his cheek as she entered the apartment and locked the door. Tai was in shock as he held his stinging cheek.

"A little help down here"

Tai looked down and let out a grown as he help Sora up.

"What are you doing here?"

He asked angrily.

"I came here to talk to you but then she just started attacking me"

"Now is not the time. You need to leave"

He said annoyed. Sora glared at him and walked away, holding her stomach. Tai let out a sigh as he gently knock on the door.

"Gloria, let me in"

"Go away, I don't want to see and I don't want to hear you"

She cried behind the door, she had her back against the door as she slid down pulling her knees to her chest.

"Gloria please, I just want to make sure you're okay"

"I'll be better if you leave"

Tai leaned his head against the door.

"You know that's not true and I'm not leaving"

He said as he dig into his pockets to find his key but frown as he didn't have his key on him.

"Gloria let me in"

He stated.

"Go away!"

She cried.

"I understand why you are mad at Sora but why are you mad with me. We been passed this, remember?"

"You pushed me away, you were defending her"

"You were punching a pregnant women, Gloria you could have gone to jail if I haven't pulled you away"

"Why are you saying she's pregnant, you are the one who said she's probably faking it!!"

"You've seen that stomach Gloria"

"Just go!"

She said. Tai let out a sigh.

"Gloria, please let me in, so we can talk"

"Just how many time, are you going to make me cry Tai?"

Tai sadly looked down to the ground at his shoes.

"Do you want some space again? Do you want some time?"

Gloria remained silent as she continue to sob into her hands. Tai felt his heartbreak just by hearing her cry behind the door.

"Answer me, please. I'm right here. I am not leaving you"

He said as he sat himself down beside the door.

"Gloria, I'm right here, okay"

Behind the door, Gloria was crying her heart out. Hours went by, Tai had left and came back with take outs. He gently knock on the door.

"Gloria, I bought some food. It's your favorite"

He said gently. The door soon opened and Tai happily smiled but was soon replaced with confusion as he saw Gloria holding a suitcase.

"Gloria? Are you leaving?"

He asked. Gloria had her eyes down refusing to see his face.

"No, not this time. This time it's for you"

She said pushing the suitcase to Tai. Tai frown as he easily caught it, he took a step forward.

"Wait, Gloria..."

But before he had a chance to say anything, Gloria shut the door on his face.

"Now you need time and space to think about what you really want because I am honestly tired Tai"

She said behind the door. Tai felt his heart drop as those words. Tai angrily punched the side of the wall after dropping his suitcase and food on floor.

'Dammit, I try to do the right thing and I get punish for it'

He thought angrily.

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