Chapter 15 ❤️

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I stared outside my window as we pulled up to the familiar small beige house. I couldn't help but smile. I didn't even wait for Miles to fully stop the car, I eagerly jumped out, so excited to see my aunt.

"Jane!" Miles yells after me as I started walking towards the house. I can hear him sigh and turn off the engine. I walked up to the door, debating to open it or knock.

Before I had a chance to do either, Christian popped open the door. "Hello." He smiles. He was wearing all black like usual, but today his hair was combed back into a small pony tail. I smile.

"How are you Miles?" Christian asks, looking behind me at Miles. "I'm good." Miles voice changed from his usual bored tone to such a polite one that it made me look back to check if it was even Miles talking.

"Come in guys!" Christian moves aside to let me in the familiar entry way. "Is that Jane?!" I hear my aunt call from the kitchen. "Yes mother!" Christian yells back, looking back at me with a smile. I couldn't help but frown.

It was weird how much of a stranger I felt in the house that seemed to be mine for years.

I ignored the feeling and walked past Christian into the kitchen where I found my aunt, chopping zucchini with a girl that had strawberry red hair.

"Jane!" My aunt drops her knife on the cutting board, wiping her hands on her apron and walking towards me with her arms wide open.

I immediately hug her warm familiar arms. "Oh I missed you!" My aunt says, already on the verge of tears. She was a very sensitive person that easily cried.

My aunt backs away and exams me. "Well you look the same." She nods.

"Looks like Miles has been taking good care of you." She looks at Miles who was behind me. "I try my best." He still had a very polite voice. I frown, looking down.

What a fucking liar.


We all sat at the dinner table, eating and everybody talking. Obviously not me.

I sat quietly next to Miles, watching everyone as they talked.

It was weird seeing Christian being so comfortable around his mom. I thought he was dead like 2 weeks ago. Christian had also brought his friend Jenny. She was gorgeous with her long strawberry blonde hair and green eyes. She was tall and beautiful and looked like a damn model!

"So can I ask you Jane, how'd you become mute?" Jenny suddenly asks, across the table.

"If you don't mind me asking." She quickly adds with a polite smile. I got ready to take my phone out but than my aunt started talking.

"Umm Jane stopped talking after her parents died." My aunt says.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" Jenny says, looking sincere. I smile, looking down at my plate.

"And you're able to cope without having to talk?" Jenny asks. I nod.

I look next to me at Miles who was already starring at me. He looked almost guilty and I couldn't quite understand why.

I ignored it and went back to watching everyone talk.


After dinner me and Miles went upstairs into my old bedroom.

Miles kept on insisting that he stayed at a hotel or something, but my aunt also insisted that he stayed in my room. She said; "you guys are mates! It's perfectly normal for you guys to sleep in the same bed." Little did she know that this would actually be the first time we'd sleep in the same bed.

"I can really just go get a hotel." Miles says, as he sat down my suitcase in the closet.

"No it's fine." I type in my phone and hand it to him.

"Okay." He nods, and for the first time ever, he actually looked somewhat nervous.

"I'll sleep on the floor." I type in.

"No that's fine. I'll sleep on the floor." He shakes his head.

I bite my lip, looking over at my old king sized bed. "We can share the bed?" I type in.

He arches his eyebrow, looking a little shocked at my suggestion. And I have to admit that I was a little shocked as well.

"Okay." He nods.

I give him a small smile and walk towards my suitcase. I grabbed out a pair of sweats and a black tank top. I quickly changed in my closet.

I walked out, a little surprised to see what Miles was wearing to bed.

He had a pair of gray joggers on, and his shirt off.. exposing his hot body. He had abs of course, they matched his intimidating look that was always plastered on his face.

We both got into bed, turning off the lamps on either side of us.

I laid on my back, starring up at the ceiling, which was a little hard to see but the moon shining in through my old blue curtains, made it a little possible to see.

The room felt awkward, it felt like you couldn't even attempt to cut the tension with a knife.

"Jane?" I look over at Miles who laid in the same potion as me.

"I'm sorry for being such a ass to you all the time." He suddenly says. Taking me by complete surprised.

I wasn't exactly sure why he was saying this to me.

"Anyways, goodnight." With that he turned to his side, his back facing me.

I bite my lip, continuing to look up at the ceiling.


Hey guys!! Sorry for the shitty chapter but don't forget to vote! <mwah

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