Chapter 24 ❤️

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Authors note~
Jane up der^
Let's get this chapter at least 5 votes for the next chapter? ❤️


Well things still weren't going smoothly. I'd go to school everyday, see Dylan and it would be pretty much normal. I'd make up an excuse why I couldn't hang out, and when the times came where I wanted to say yes, I'd see Shane somewhere around me, starring at me with a look that said; "don't even try it"

I'm guessing Miles had told him to watch me and make sure I wasn't doing anything bad. Anyways after school I'd just come home and stay in my room, nothing much to do afterwards.

I just kind of wish Miles would talk to me or at least say something. I needed something from him! Literally if it just was me walking past him down the hall and him giving me a glance, it would be a million times better than just sitting here and waiting for anything.

I wanted to somehow sum up courage to  talk to him. Although I don't know what I'd say. I imagine telling him I'm sorry, because I really truly am sorry. Or at least maybe just telling him hi and walking the hell out of there.

But nope. I'm too much of a coward and Miles is too  intimidating.


I just need to figure something out here. Or at least get things back to the way they used to be before Miles found out about Dylan.

Even the way it used to be would probably be a million times better!

"hey!" I look up from my usual disgusting lunch at school, to Dylan.

I give him a small wave and motion him to sit down.

School had yet again been uneventful. I was lucky enough to get to see Dylan during lunch. I had hardly any classes with him and it felt good to actually see him.

"Want to come over tonight?" He asks.

I look around me, searching anywhere for Shane. Thankfully I didn't see him.

"Umm sure. Is it okay if I can come over right after school?" I type in my phone, handing it to him. I still didn't like to use my voice in front of anyone, unless it was Miles. It seemed needed to use my voice.

"Yeah of course." He smiles.

"Okay.. Good." He leans in and pecks my lips before standing up.

"See you later." With that he walked away.


I sat on the porch of Dylan's pack house with Dylan.

We talked about plenty of stuff. We haven't had much time to hang and I guess it felt good to get caught up.

Although it's nice hanging with Dylan I just don't feel the same spark I felt with him before. I use to love being around him and now it almost feels like it's wrong. I don't know it just feels different now.

I feel guilty when I'm around Dylan.

"Are you okay? You seem a little off today?" Dylan asks, tucking a piece of my lose hair behind my ear. I look down at my shoes, biting my lip.

I shrug, unsure how to even tell Dylan any of my problems without sharing practically everything about Miles.

So I figure it would be better just to keep it inside.

"You know you can tell me anything Jane.. I'm alwa-" he stops mid sentence when a familiar black bmw pulled up to the front of the house.

The car came to a squealing stop about 12 feet away from us.

It felt like slow motion watching as the car door opened and the familiar tall figure stepped out.

He wore a gray hoodie with jeans, and he looked pissed as fuck.

I stood up almost immediately, along with Dylan who suddenly looked aware.

Miles slammed his car door shut, leaving the engine running.

"Get the fuck away from her!" He yelled, make me jump back.

"What are you going to do if I don't?" Dylan yelled back.

"Get in the car Jane!" Miles said, looking at me with a look I couldn't even put together.

I felt almost compelled to obey him.

"Now Jane!" Miles yelled.

I squeal and run towards the car. I get in and watch them, scared as hell for Dylan.

"Stay away from her." Miles growls out.

"Why? You afraid that your little mate would rather have me?" Dylan asks.

"Don't make me warn you again. I'll kill another person you love."

Miles says, getting close in Dylan's face.

I bit my lip, watching them nervously.

"She's mine." Miles says. And with that he turned around and walked back to the car.

He got I'm, slamming the door shut  and speeding the hell off. Well not before glaring at Dylan.

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