Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Austin’s POV

            I could tell that Ian was hurting while telling the story. I do not think that he even realized that he was crying. I did not know what else to do, so I stood up, walked over to him, and gave him hug. Although Ian was reluctant, he hugged me back and began to sob harder until he was all out crying. How do you console someone after something like that happens? I completely understood why he broke down the way he did.

“Ian, listen. I know that it is hard, and I am very sorry.” I help Ian’s head up against my chest while he began to calm down.

“It is okay. I have been through some counseling sessions and I have learned to cope with it.”

How can he possibly be so brave?

“Austin, honey, I am home,” my mom called.

“Ian, will you be okay if I go and talk to my mom for a second?” I asked. I would not leave him if he really needed me there.

“Yeah, go ahead. I will just grab something to drink right quick.”

“Okay, I will be right back.”

I gave Ian a reassuring smile. Poor guy, He lost someone that he loved to someone desperate for money. That has got to be horrible.

“Hi mom, Ian is here. We were just in the kitchen talking.”

“Okay, how was school?” she asked.

“It was good, but I have a question to ask.”

“Go ahead.”

“Do you know if I am gay, straight, or bi?”

The look on her face was priceless. It was as if confusion was mixed with questioning. “Why do you ask?”

            “Well, Ian was telling me about a boyfriend that he had and how much he meant to him. Then I remembered Kristina at school telling me that she was my girlfriend. I did not even remember her at all, but I know that I really don’t like her that much, so I broke up with her.”

“Well, to be quite honest with you Austin, we never really talked about your sexuality. Nevertheless, I guess now is a good time to find out. I mean you are a senior in high school.”

“Would you be okay if I were gay?”

“I have no problems with gay people, but you do have to be careful. There are some that are not as open minded as your father and I.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean there are people out there that look at gays and like them. Then there are others that look at gays and hate them. Some will agree with you, and others will preach your damnation. Some will be your friend, and others will bully you and try to beat you up, or worse.”

“But if I find out that I am gay, you and dad would be okay with that?”

“Yes, we will love you and support you no matter what. You are our child and nothing will change that.”

“I wish my mother would have told me that,” I heard Ian say.

“Holy crap, you scared the fire out of me!” I yelled and then laughed a little.“What do you mean?” I asked with curiosity starting to build.

My mom looked at me, and then at Ian with worry in her eyes. “What did your mother say to you sweetie?” my mom asked.

(Flashback starts)

“Look, I know that this is hard to take in right now, but you are just going to have to get over it like I did,” Ian said to his parents. “I am gay, and there is nothing I can do about it.”

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