Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Ian’s POV

            “Daddy, I am so sorry that all of this happened,” Ian said to his father. Ian was hurt and confused. How could his mother make his father choose between her and him? How could his mother treat them like that? Was him being gay so big of a deal that his mother would split up their family?

            “Ian, listen to me, okay. You are my son and I love you. There is nothing in the world that would change that. If you are gay, then you are gay. There is nothing that I, or you mother, or anyone else, for that matter, can do about it.  I know that this is hard, but this is a choice that your mother had to make for herself. I would not change my decision, and you should not either. Your mother will either change her mind and come to her scenes, or she will stick to her guns,” Matthew said with all the love that he had for his son.

            Ian spent the rest of his day in his room thinking over everything that had happened. How could one thing change his whole life? Was it that big of a deal? He also pondered whether he should have kept his mouth shut or not about him being gay. ‘They would have found out one way or another, so better me telling them than finding out some other way,’ he though as he pondered the situation more.

            “Daddy,” Ian yelled down the hall to his father. Matthew walked into Ian’s room and sat on the bed. “What are we going to do now? I know that you and mom love each other, and I feel like I just tore you two apart,” Ian said in an apologetic voice.

            Matthew waited for a moment asking himself the same question. “I know that this is hard to take in, as it is for me too, but you have to realize that this is not your fault. It is your mother’s fault. There is no reason that she should have overreacted like that. I know that she is religious, but there comes a time that you have to look deep into religion and realize that God wants you to love everyone. You might not like the things that someone does, or like how they act, or, in your cause, like that they are gay, but you should love them either way. It is hard for me to understand why you think that you are gay, and it is hard for me to accept it, but you are my son and I love you. I love you more than you know. My relationship with you is very important to me, and I do not want to lose you. Do you understand?”

Ian looked at his dad knowing that what he said took a lot of courage to say. “Daddy, I know that this is hard for you, but I don’t want you to be ashamed of me.”

Matthew hugged Ian with tears in his eyes, “I am never ashamed of you. Do you hear me? You are perfect, no matter what anyone says.”

            With that, Matthew released Ian from his hug and left him to do all the thinking of things that are to come. Ian knew that his dad loved him, but how could he get past all the hurtful things that his mother said to him? “No matter, I know that she loves me. She will be back,” Ian said in a reassuring tone to himself.

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