Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Ian’s POV

            Someone rubbing my side and calling my name had awaked me. God that voice is as smooth as silk and somewhat sexy too. My eyes are so heavy. I do not want to open them. Then I felt someone beside my ear, “Ian, it is time to wake up.” That voice was so soft and smooth. That touch was tender and caring. “Ian, are you awake?”

            My eyes fluttered open and I saw someone sitting beside me. With sleep in my eyes, I could hardly tell who it was. I know that he is very handsome, his touch is blissful, and his voice is the greatest thing since sliced cheese.

            “Okay, I am awake,” I said and sat up, sill a little groggy. I rubbed my eyes and looked around. As I did, my eyes landed on Austin sitting beside me. I smiled a little, and noticed that he still had his hand on my side.

            “Good morning sleeping beauty,” he said while standing up. “It is about twenty minutes till dinner, so I figured you might want to freshen up.”

I heard the doorbell ring and looked at my phone. 5:40pm. I heard the door shut and someone walking up the stairs.

“Ian sweetie, your dad just brought you over an overnight bag. He said that he loves you, and will see you Monday after school,” Austin’s mother said.

“Thank you Mrs. Kendal.”

I heard the door shut and I looked at Austin still sitting on the bed beside me. “If you would like to take a shower, it is right through that door. If you need anything, let me know. There is an extra toothbrush on the counter, and I took the liberty of setting you out a towel and extra loofah. Anything else you might need is in the closet,” Austin explained.

“Thanks. I should only be a few minutes.”

“Take your time.”

            I walked into the bathroom, started the shower, and noticed that everything that I needed was lying neatly in its place. “He is so sweet,” I said to myself. “What I wouldn’t do to have someone like that.”

            I finished showering and got ready for dinner. I know that it is weird, but I want to look nice for Austin. The truth of the matter is I have a huge crush on him. After spending this whole week with him, I have grown to like him. He is sweet, kind to others and me, and he is very good looking. I do not think that he has noticed, but I look at him almost every chance I get. He has very nice brown hair, gorgeous blue eyes that are like looking into the crystal blue ocean in color, and we are the same height. He has a great complexion, with a nice even tan, and a nice toned body.

“Ian, are you ready?” I heard a voice through the door.

“Yes, I am coming,” I answered.

            I walked out of the bathroom and back into Austin’s bedroom shutting the bathroom door. Just as I turned around, I saw him standing there with a light purple shirt, black slacks, and shoes that looked to be Gucci. He has very nice taste.

“Wow, you look great,” I hear him say with a smile on his face. “Are you ready for dinner?”

“Yeah,” I said shyly.

            We walked out of his room and down the stairs. “That smells wonderful,” I said as he led me to the dining room. As we entered, I noticed that the place settings were beautiful. There were very expensive looking chinawares with dove shapes cloth napkins. I looked and saw that there was a candle sconce that held four candles. They are really going out of the way to have a nice dinner for a guest.

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