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Five Years Later...

It had been five years since I left Berk for good, and life for me has been great. I was flying through the Archipelago when I found the Hidden World, where all Dragon's live equally here, where no human has ever gone to, and I'm the Alpha. A year back, I challenged the Drago's Alpha to protect the Dragons and everyone else.

When the Dragon had blasted his frost breath at me, I was frozen stiff until I felt a surge of energy flow through my veins, my spine glowed purple, the mark of the Alpha appeared on my head glowing purple, and my entire body morphed into a Purple...

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When the Dragon had blasted his frost breath at me, I was frozen stiff until I felt a surge of energy flow through my veins, my spine glowed purple, the mark of the Alpha appeared on my head glowing purple, and my entire body morphed into a Purple Phoenix Dragon. I fought against the Dragon and won, making me the new Alpha.

Ever since then, my life has been more at ease, it was as if I had found my purpose again. However, it had also been five years since I last saw... Viggo, and I'm still heartbroken to the day. "But I don't need him anymore," I whispered, "he chose to no longer be with me in his life, just like I chose to no longer have him in mine either," I stated in a whisper, "we could've gone through it together, but no, he chose to be a coward and run off with his brother," I scoffed, "it was not an act of cowardice, it was an act of love!" An all to familiar voice exclaimed, "tch, what you did was NOT an act of love it was an act of COWARDICE! I should know! I sacrificed myself to save my loved ones! Now THAT'S an act of love!" I retorted with a scoff, "still, I thought you needed some time as well, but clearly that was a bad idea," Viggo said, "ya think!?!" I yelled. "I'm sorry Silver, I'm sorry that I had been distant with you for this long, and I'm sorry for leaving you," Viggo said, "I don't need your regrets Viggo, you chose to leave me, so I chose to no longer love you," I stated. "Leave now before I let my Dragons at you!" I exclaimed while turning away from him, "you sound just like the monster who destroyed my life in the beginning!" He yelled, "none of this would've happened if I had just let you fall into the lava pit! None of this would've happened if I had just kept my mouth shut! None of this would've happened if I had just continued to destroy your village!" I eye turned pitch black for a moment but quickly turned back to "normal" I gasped once I realized what had been said, I turn towards him to see his shock and hurt expression, "Viggo, I'm sorry, I didn't mean-" he turned away, " as you said, you don't need my regrets, so I don't need yours," Viggo stated.

Dragon Slayer's (POV)

"That wasn't her who said it!" I yelled out, I flew and landed in front of Viggo to stop him from walking off, "that was me," I said. "I'm Dragon Slayer, one of her inner demons, I was the one who said that not her, so, don't be mad at her, please?" I asked, "how do I know it was you?" He asked me suspiciously, "because Silver would never say that to someone she still cares about," I stated. "She needs you Viggo, she might look like she doesn't on the outside..." Viggo looked down at the ground, I gently placed my hand on his cheek, "but on the inside, she's heartbroken," Viggo's eyes widen in shock, "she's been trying to recover from what you caused five years ago... But without you, she'll never heal," I stated.

Silver's (POV)

When I took control again, I saw that Viggo was in front of me, "Viggo, I-" before I could finish my sentence, he gently pressed his lips against mine, I kissed back as I gently closed my eye.

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