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The gang were currently walking through the forest when (Y/N) turned to speak to Ash, "So, Ash, How many Gym badges do you have so far anyway?" she asked curiously. He grinned and reached into his bag to pull out a small black case. "I actually have 5 right now!" He said. She pursed her lips, "So that means you have 3 more, right?" she asked, tilting her head. He nodded, enthusiastically. She thought about it and then finally remembered. "Next is the Fairy Gym right? In Laverre City?" The others nodded. Now she remembered! The Fairy gym leader was Valerie. She was kinda quiet and a little strange but real fun! (Y/N) also loved the designs she created too!

She then noticed Serena staring at her Pokédex looking a little frustrated. "What's wrong Serena?" she questioned. The said girl jumped a little and shook her head, smiling once again. "It's really nothing... It's just I'm wondering when my next Pokémon Showcase is.. There's no new news on it yet" she said sadly. (Y/N) perked her head up, "Wait! You're a Pokemon Performer?" Serena nodded and (Y/N) grew really excited. She loved Pokémon showcases! She watched a few in her free time (She has a LOT of free time) and soon came to just adore them. Now this meant they would get to watch REAL Pokémon Showcases in person! "I'm sure there will be something soon so why don't you both do a little practicing?" Clemont suggested.

Ash and Serena both liked the idea so that meant they could stop and take a break. (Y/N) sighed in relief, she had always flown everywhere and forgot how much work it was to walk. Especially with Ash. She's always felt it takes so much longer to get places with Ash than normal. They then spotted a beautiful field with all different kinds of flowers spread across the ground. Bonnie then ran off into the field with Dedenne and Pikachu, falling to the grass. Mew laughed as she watched when Clemont scolded her for running off. Then, two pink Vivillions flew past and greeted the Mew-girl with their own trills.

Then a Budew popped out of the grass and wandered around alongside two Hoppips. Serena then commented, "This would be a great place to take a break!" and Bonnie agreed, begging the others to let them. All of them agreed with that decision. Suddenly, (Y/N) said, "You know, I haven't met all of your Pokemon yet." Ash then grinned, "Well in that case... Everyone come out!" She watched as he tossed four Pokeballs, blue light exploding from each of them. Ash then introduced her to all of them.

"First up, this is Greninja! Which you already know from before." She hadn't had a good look at him yet and studied him. He was a large blue frog-like Pokemon with a long tongue wrapped around his neck. He had patches of light blue on him. He greeted her with a 'Nin Ja' (Hello Mew). She smiled and said hello back.

"Next, this is Hawlucha!" In front of her was the small fighting/flying Pokemon. He had a white body and mouth, with a red color spread over his wings and at the tip of his nose. However, the inside of his wings were green. He also looked to have a mask on with the top of his head being orange and the 3 tufts on his head. He landed proudly on a rock and rose his arms above his head in a pose, Ha Cha!' (Hey there). She shook her head at these strange actions and greeted him back.

"Then, this is Fletchinder!" This was a medium-sized bird Pokemon with a red coloring on his head that went down to his neck and faded into a grayish-blue color. His wings were black and yellow and his tail was black with white stripes. He flapped his wings, floating above her. 'Fletch!' (Nice to meet you, Mew). She was going to say it back but decided against it since Ash was there and would question it so she settled with a greeting.

"Lastly, this is Noibat!" The last of Ash's Pokemon was a tiny Pokemon that flew. He had large ears atop his head with a small purple body and wings. 'Noibat! Noi Noi! Bat?' (Hi there! Its nice to meet you! You seem special! Whats a Mew anyway?) He questioned, flying around her. She giggled and just greeted him also, ignoring his questions.

She turned as she noticed that Clemont was now tossing out his Pokeballs."Well (Y/N) these are my Pokemon," he said.

"This is Bunnelby." A small rabbit Pokemon with a grey color and large ears appeared. At the end of his large ears, it was a brown color along with collar-like fur around his neck. "Bunnelby!" (Hi!). "Hi! Nice to meet you!" she said.

"This is Luxray." A large Pokemon with black and blue fur appeared. He had a whole mane of black with blue fur around his face. The rest of his body, except his tail area was also blue. His tail was long with a yellow star at the end. 'Lux luxray!' (Hello, nice to meet you Mew). She nodded and greeted him back.

"And this is Chespin." The small spine Pokemon appeared. He had brown fur along his face and stomach with a green layer along his back and green quills on his head. He had a very happy expression on his face. 'Che che pin-!' (Henlo! I think you're cool so good to meet you- Oh gotta go) He suddenly ran off towards the field as we all sweat dropped.

(Y/N) turned her attention to Serena, "What about you? Who's your partners?" She smiled and said, "Have a look!"

Out burst a Braixen first, She was a beautiful fox Pokemon with white and yellow fur on her face and red fur coming from her ears. She also looked to have a skirt with her yellow fur. Then she had black legs and a large bushy tail. What interested Mew the most was the stick that she knew all Braixen had. This one had a red bow tied around it. 'Braixen Brai!" (Wow its Mew!) She sounded really excited and Mew gave a big smile, saying hello back

Next was a Pancham. It was a small Panda Pokemon with black fur and a white face and tail. He also had two black ears and rings around his eyes. She noticed the red sunglasses atop his head and got the feeling that Serena was a great PokePerformer. She couldn't wait to see their performances! 'Pan Pancham!' (Wow Hello!)  She gave a wave towards him.

She turned back to the group where Clemont was making tea and Ash and Serena were ready to train, "Was that everyone?" she asked. They all started to nod until Bonnie came running. "Wait! That wasn't everyone!" At the confused stares she continued, "I want you to see my Pokemon!" They all, except for Mew, 'oh-ed' in sync as they remembered them.

(Y/N) gave her the motion to begin and Bonnie grabbed the tiny mouse from her bag and held him up. "Well this is Dedenne! He's my best friend in the whole world! And someday he's gone be my Pokemon! But until then I'm taking care of him for Clemont!" Mew smiled at the two, they seemed like such good friends. Dedenne was a small electric mouse. Kind of like a Pikachu but smaller. It was orange with black ears and a tan stomach. He also had a black tail with a star shape on the end of it. Dedenne chattered at hercbut she couldn't catch what he said and just laughed

"And this is my good friend Squishy! I don't know much about it but we found him in my bag and he's been with us ever since!" (Y/N) was confused. Squishy? That doesn't sound like a Pokemon name she knows. She was about to question Bonnie when Bonnie called for 'Squishy' to come out. Mew's eyes widened as her eyes met the Pokemon's.


{Words: 1441}

A/N : So Originally I was going to introduce the Pokemon AND do the episode events but I've already written 1441 words and it would be a lot for one chapter so I'm going to finish it on the next chapter! Also super confused bc 13 people read the first chapter and then 22 read the second?? Are people skipping the first? Anyway, Thanks for reading!

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