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A/N: I typed this whole thing up and then exited out of the tab and I had a whole panic attack bc the whole thing was GONE! Thank Arceus there is Revision History or I would've been so mad


The four turned to (Y/N) with confused expressions on their faces. "What'd you say?" Ash questioned. Mew's eyes widened as she realized what she had said aloud and tried to quickly think of an explanation. "I uh... I said..." She paused, trying to think of something to say. "Oh! I said, SEE ONE or two Pokémon to take care of before becoming a trainer is a great idea!"

Ash, Clemont and Serena were gullible enough and accepted it as an answer, nodding. However, Bonnie gave a slow nod while still eyeing her in confusion. Squishy rolled its eye and hopped out of Bonnie's bag, moving towards a patch of sunlight. Mew gave them a nervous smile. She sighed in relief when Clemont changed the subject, "So why don't you guys get to training and practicing? I'll make some Tea."

They nodded and everyone went their separate ways unaware of 3 Team Rocket Members watching. Ash and Pikachu ran off towards the small river and had a small splash fight while Clemont began making the Tea at the picnic table they had set up. Greninja swam through the water, stopping to spray Hawlucha with water. Talonflame and Noibat flew around and Serena, Pancham, and Braixen sat in the grass.

Mew walked towards them curiously, "What are you doing Serena?" Serena looked up as she had just got done messing with a few flowers Braixen had grabbed for her. "Oh! I'm making a few flower crowns!" she exclaimed and picked up the newly finished one with white and pink flowers, plopping it on her hat. Bonnie wandered over at that point, "Oh wow! You're good at that!" She stated. Serena smiled, "Thanks! Here I have one for both of you too!" Serena then leant forward and placed a small one around Bonnie's hair tie.

Mew knelt down towards Serena as she placed one on her that had (F/C) flowers on it. Mew smiled in thanks and watched as she once again placed on one Dedenne too. Dedenne squealed and leaped up, causing the crown to fly off and roll down the hill. Pancham followed right behind Dedenne as they chased it and caught it, handing it back.

'Pancham Pan' (Here you go)

'Denne-ne!' (Thank you!)

Then they both looked up straight ahead as Braixen, Serena, Bonnie, and Mew came up behind them. 'Pan? Pancham Pan' (Huh? Look over there). Pancham pointed his hand to behind the rock as they all looked around it. There was a Eevee atop a stage-like rock, dancing around and having fun. "It's an Eevee!" Serena exclaimed, pulling her Pokedex up. Mew jumped a bit as she heard the voice from the dex.

'Eevee, The Evolution Pokemon. Eevee is rarely seen, and can adapt to severe habitats by evolving, changing its capabilities and form.'

"Eevee's so cute!" Bonnie whispered and Mew and Serena nodded in agreement. "Eevee obviously likes to dance! Its so light on its feet!" Serena stated, gazing in awe at Eevee's movements. Then it was all interrupted when Ash called over, "Hey Serena, (Y/N)! Clemont said the tea is ready!" The small Pokemon turned its head, seeing the 3 humans watching it. Eevee gave a slight screech and rushed away frantically. Serena and Bonnie both expressed their sadness that Eevee was gone while Mew frown, but turned and walked away anyway.

As they had their tea, Serena and Bonnie told Clemont and Ash all about the dancing Eevee and Mew sat silently, just listening. Then Ash mentioned that they should find the Eevee again so that they could see the dance moves. So they all gathered at a hill, besides Squishy who was still sunbathing, where Serena said, "I'm sure Eevee lives around her somewhere.. but where?"

Then Clemont started basically yelling and Mew jumped in surprise, "The future is now, thanks to Science! Clemontic gear on! I thought that we would encounter a situation precisely like this one," Mew was confused.. He did? She looked at the weird robot thing that seemed to be floating with air balloons on top and four satellites on the bottom. "It's a robotic radar that detects living things. My living finder mark two!"

"Mark two?" Mew questioned, still confused. "That's correct I once used it to search for Bonnie." Then he talked about some science stuff that Mew didn't really understand. She could literally just fly around or use aura to find Eevee but whatever. "Science is so amazing!" Ash exclaimed, sparkles in his eyes. Mew scratched her head. It is? Then he powered it up and it seemed he was having no luck. Mew could basically just tell it was about to blow up so she subtly started backing up.

Sure enough, a few seconds later, it exploded. However she was far enough so she didn't get caught in the blast. While the rest were... not as fortunate. "Oh well. Better luck next time" Bonnie consoled him while he muttered about 'needing some luck.' Finally, the moment she waited for had come, they decided to split up and look. The rest went off into the forest while she checked to make sure she was alone and shifted into her normal self.

She giggled, flying around doing some flips. She had missed this! She flew over to where Squishy lay and poked him. He looked up at the pink cat as she floated near him. 'Mew Mew? Mew?' (Where have you been? And wheres Z-2?). He spoke back telepathically, (I have been on the run, you see Team Flare has been pursuing me and as for Z-2... I'm not quite sure but he could be trouble).

She grew worried as she heard that Z was being chased by Team Flare. She had obviously heard of them. They were well-known criminals throughout the legendary world as they had grown quite powerful and would stop at nothing to get their way. The leader also had some insane idea about destroying the world and now knowing that they knew where Zygarde was and were after him she was now worried about their plan somehow succeeding. She sighed and nodded, making a mental note to speak to Arceus about this.

Then she flew away to help the humans find the Eevee. She closed her eyes and focused her attention to the forest Pokemon's auras. Budew, Hoppip, Wurmple, Vivillion, Eevee. There! Mew snapped her big, blue eyes open and headed towards the place where she sensed the aura. She took notice of the Eevee in a tree following Serena. She went invisible and followed as she hopped through the trees. Both Mew and Eevee saw the cliff that Serena was about to walk over and Eevee yelled out in warning. Serena stopped upon hearing Eevee and fell back as she noticed the ledge. She turned and noticed the little Pokemon in the tree, "Huh? Eevee!... Wow, you saved me!" Eevee then grew nervous and jumped off, the invisible Mew following her.

When Eevee finally saw they were gone she jumped down and curled up on the floor. Mew made herself visible and floated a few inches in front of Eevee. Eevee sensed someone there and jumped up right away, looking at Mew. 'You're friends with those humans right?' Eevee asked, remembering seeing her in human form with them. Mew nodded. 'Why were they looking for me?' Eevee asked her.

'The reason the humans are looking for you is because of your dancing!' Mew said. 'My dancing? Why?,' Mew giggled at the question, 'They really liked it!' Eevee tilted her head, 'They did?' Mew nodded her head affirmatively. 'The one you just saved is a performer, I think you guys would work real well together!' Mew chirped, flying around. Eevee dropped her head low, 'I'm way too shy though...' Mew stared at her and knew what to do, 'How about I convince her to do a small show for you so you can see it up close?' Eevee thought about it and then nodded, 'Okay.' Mew smiled at her and turned around, and while waving goodbye she flew through the trees back to the campsite area.

She turned back to human and walked back casually. "Did you find Eevee (Y/N)?' Bonnie excitedly asked. Mew shook her head and sat down while Serena was cooking. After they ate, Serena, Ash, Clemont and Bonnie, started to head into their tents. They (except for Ash) stopped when they noticed (Y/N) not going. Bonnie tilted her head, "Do you not have a tent (Y/N)? You can stay with us if you want!" Mew began to speak but Ash interrupted her, sticking his head out of his tent, "She actually doesn't like to sleep in tents for some reason, when we traveled together she always slept outside." The three were confused but left her outside like she wanted.

Mew sat there for a little longer watching as the sun went down and the bright orangish-yellow color of day faded to a murky black for night. After a little longer, she stood up and transformed once again, flying through the forest like a little check-up. After she was satisfied she found a nearby tree and flew up into it. Then curled up and fell asleep.

{1656 Words}

A/N: I'm once again going to have to finish the episode in the next chapter.. whoops. But, If you could, please comment some episodes in which I could take from! I'm not really sure what to do after this one. These are just kinda fillers that I decided to put in. Ik not very interesting, I'm just trying to slowly add up to end.

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