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With Valerie's Sylveon now unable to battle, this meant that Ash had one more Pokémon to beat before he obtained his badge, Mew knew he could do it though. She turned to watch Sawyer write down a confirmation that steel moves are affective against fairy types and nodded in agreement at Clemont's observations of the battle.

The others watched on, wondering what the next battle could possibly be. Valerie simply smiled before retrieving a new pokeball, "Be warned, it won't be the same this time." The Pokémon that erupted from her ball was none other than the Spritzee that Mew had defeated the day before. She grimaced, "Even I had a tough time defeating her, I hope Ash can do it." 

Bonnie and Sawyer seemed as nervous as she was, sharing their own worries. Serena shook her head and confidently stated, "There's no reason to worry guys, I believe in him." Mew nodded in agreement. Valerie let out a few "Spritz Spritzee" with her Pokémon gleefully returning the sentiment. "Do you think she can actually talk to her Spritzee?" A nearby watcher wondered aloud to his partner, to which Mew turned to stare, "No." They looked at each other in confusion and asked how she knew for certain. Mew stared for a moment longer before smiling sweetly and silently turning away back to the fight, effectively scaring the two.

"Are you ready Ash? It's your move again!"

"You heard her, Fletchinder let's go, Fletchinder use steel wing."

Ash kicked off the battle, Fletchinder took off, flying towards the Spritzee, with both wings lighting up a white color, however at the last second, Spritzee simply dodged the move. Valerie commanded Spritzee to then use Trick Room which caused the entire battlefield to be covered in a checkered, glowing blue arena. Ash seemed to grimace before attempting to calm the panicking Fletchinder. Everyone around gasped in amazement as the worry for Ash seemed to increase.

Mew gasped as she heard Ash call out for a Flame Charge, and Clemont seemed to share the sentiment as he worriedly called out to Ash to stop. "What's going on?" Serena exclaimed, turning to Mew for answers. "When Trick Room is in action, the faster a Pokémon usually is, the slower it really is in there." Serena furrowed her brows and bit her lip worriedly. Unfortunately, Ash missed the memo and Mew could only sigh as he called for another Flame Charge and he was blinded by a Dazzling Gleam.

Fletchinder crashed into the wall but was urged to continue using the same move over and over. Mew groaned, didn't he know insanity was doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result? Apparently not, because he simply kept trying to speed up Fletchinder, which was actually slowing him down. Clemont seemed to be the only one who still had faith in the boy and assured the rest that Ash likely had a strategy.

"Boy I hope you're right," Mew stated, grimacing at the scene. Fletchinder continued to use Flame Charge until the walls of Trick Room fell down and Ash grinned. Fletchinder quickly sped into action, using Steel Wing on Spritzee with ease. However, Spritzee gave out a Moonblast and knocked Fletchinder out. Ash gave a confident grin and sent out Hawlucha. Mew tilted her head in confusion, didn't he know that Fighting types were weak to Fairy types? That sure didn't sound good for Hawlucha. 

Mew smiled as Hawlucha landed and gave off his signature poses that exuded confidence. Hawlucha went in for a Karate Chop but Spritzee dodged and made the field into a Trick Room again. Hawlucha was smacked down by a Moonblast and Mew winced at the power of it all. 

"My my, you can talk to your Pokemon too?" Valerie asked Ash. He shook his head, "It's not really talking, more that I can understand what they mean." I guess we can't all be cool enough to speak to Pokemon, Mew thought, snickering to herself. If Bonnie casted her an odd look, Mew ignored it. Ash advises Hawlucha to watch Spritzee carefully and Valerie hums in confusion, "He's such an interesting boy, let's see what he's planning." Mew cringed, why did she say it like that?

Spritzee went into a Gyro Ball and Hawlucha caught her small form, spinning with her before launching off and using that speed to form a X-Scissor straight through Spritzee's Dazzling Gleam and ram her into the floor, causing the Trick Room to shatter. "Woah, Ash is amazing!" Sawyer exclaimed, Mew tilted her head, "You're just now realizing that?" Bonnie giggled, "We never know what he's going to do next!" Serena nodded in agreement. Sawyer wondered aloud if he could do that too.

Hawlucha leaped up high and gave Spritzee a Flying Press before she gave out a Moonblast, but luckily, he dodged it. Spritzee was not as lucky, and she was pummeled with a High Jump Kick and slammed to the floor, unconscious. The silence was deafening, and no one moved until Valerie gave the referee a look and she finally announced Hawlucha, and Ash as the winner. Hawlucha and Pikachu leaped into Ash's arms as he laughed loudly. Valeria knelt down, offering her thanks to Spritzee before congratulating Ash on his victory. 

Mew, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie ran onto the field, "Ash you did it!" "I knew you could do it!" Mew grinned at Ash and patted his shoulder. Valerie presented Ash with the Fairy badge and he excitedly placed it into his case. "That's wonderful Ash!" Serene exclaimed. "Fletchinder and Hawlucha battled really really hard!" Bonnie cried out. Sawyer, very passionately got into Ash's face, "Wow Ash you were so cool, I really want to battle like that, you gotta teach me!" Ash was clearly uncomfortable as he leaned away, "Uh I'm not sure how to explain how, but I can show you with a battle!" 

Sawyer continued to pester Ash with questions until Mew had enough and grabbed Sawyer by the shirt, "Okay, that's enough of that for now, c'mon there's no need to fanboy out right now, you can bother Ash later." Sawyer pouted and squirmed in her hold, but she easily kept a hold of him until he seemed to chill out. Ash laughed at the sight, "(Y/N)'s right, Sawyer, you can ask me all the questions you want, but we should probably head out now." Serena butted in, "To the Pokémon center, right?" Ash nodded in agreement and Sawyer sighed but agreed anyways.

As they began to walk out of the gym, Valeria called out to Mew, by her fake name of course. Mew stopped in her tracks and turned to the gym leader. "I wanted to give you something, if that's okay?" Mew tilted her head but nodded regardless, she turned her head to the other side, "You guys can go ahead without me, I'll be right there." 

"Are you sure?" Ash asked politely, Mew nodded and gave him a thumbs up, "Yeah! I'll catch up in a few." Ash nodded and the group took off. Mew returned her attention to the gym leader. Valerie smiled at Mew before turning away and walking to another room, Mew followed close behind her, like a little duckling. Once in another room, filled with chests and bins of fabric, Valeria sauntered away, digging through shelves and articles of clothing, giving small mutters as she searched. Eventually she recovered whatever it was she was looking for, and she turned to present it to Mew.

"I think you'd put this to better use than me," she gave a smile and a wink, Mew took the chain into her hands. It was a gorgeous necklace and it looked to be... Mew inspired, just like those clothes she had seen before. She looked up to thank and simultaneously question Valerie but she seemed to have disappeared. Mew stared at the jewelry for a moment longer before deciding to clasp it around her neck, it was absolutely gorgeous and seemed to fit her outfit perfectly. She bit her lip anxiously; she didn't like the implications of it. However, all she could do was take a deep breath and follow after her friends.

Eventually she found them, right outside the Pokemon center. She was out of breath, so used to flying around everywhere. "Hey (Y/N)! You made it!" Bonnie shouted, causing the others to turn to Mew and greet her properly. Serena gaped at her, "What?" Mew asked nervously. "That necklace! It's so pretty!" Mew smiled and gave her a thanks, this drew Bonnie's attention and she ooed and ahhed over it as well.  Mew giggled as Serena and Bonnie continued to fawn over the jewelry as they all entered the Pokemon center..


HIIIIIIIII!! Hope this chapter will appease you guys, I randomly decided to continue this book years later... I'm so sorry I abandoned you all!! Thanks for all the continued support even when I disappear off the face of the earth :))))))) love you alllllllll MWAH

I would like to say - I have absolutely no idea what younger me was doing mixing the timeline of episodes but I am trying my absolute best to make it make sense so please don't get upset when I get stuff wrong, I KNOW. Younger me made some ..... interesting choices and It's got me all confused now oops. oh well just ignore canon tbh

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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