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     Jessica watched from Susan's office as the remaining stragglers from tonight short meeting put away the chairs after everything's calmed down.

Susan on damage control got rid of Matthew with the help of Warren and few other strong men willing to put their muscles to good use. Though reluctant to do so she convinced the others not to call the cops. At the hospital Jessica had two uniform boys in blue question her about what happened at her apartment. Most suspicious explosions involving addicts point to something drug related. And given her criminal record the benefit of the doubt was unlikely.

Susan closed her door and hurried to flop down behind her desk. "What a night huh?" she exhaled.

"I've dealt with worst."

"Doesn't mean it's something you should have to deal with. Do you know him?"

Jessica shrugged. "Survivors need someone to blame."

"It doesn't mean you should have to take on that role."

"Not like I go around asking for it, just seems to find me."

"It also doesn't mean you should accept vilification for living."

Jessica scoffed, practically dismissing what happened tonight. "Life can be a bitch sometimes. But why are you more upset than I am?"

"Being attacked for living is not what anyone in your position deserves. And I only wish that you listen to what I'm saying and take it to heart."

"Ok mom." Jessica replied softly with a joke.

"Last time we spoke it was about your new job. Shipping, was it?"

Jessica wrapped her hand over her lantern ring. "Yeah, what about it?"

"How's that going?"

"I'm not a big fan of the uniform, little revealing in form. But it kind of gives me a place to belong."

"So you like it?"

"The job takes me out of my head. So..., yeah, I appreciate it."

"That's good to hear." Susan smiled. "You said you work nights."

"I do." Jessica then paused. "And recently a full time position opened up."

"Oh." Susan eyes widen up with pride. "Are you going to take it?"

Jessica teased a smile and briefly eyed her lantern ring long enough so it won't look too obvious. "It's a good opportunity, one step out of my comfort zone. It won't interfere with group if that's your main concern."

"I'm proud of you Jessica. You've come a long way."

Momentarily speechless, Jessica hadn't heard anyone say that to her in a long time. Uplifting, heart swelling, turned her head to face the door to avoid Susan's gaze all to keep the tears at bay. "Thanks." she then replied.

"Are you working tonight?"

A questioned asked and answered with the vibration from her phone felt halfway down her thigh. It's a number she doesn't recognize, but at the same time who did she give her number to for them to call this late? "Work calls."

"Do you need to go?"

"Yeah." Jessica answered as she began to make her way to the door. "Right," she stopped herself, "there's something I wanted to ask you."

"What's that?"

"Casey Brinke, do you know her? Red haired girl, she might have been wearing an oversize jacket."

Tower of Light (Under The Cowl Book #2)Where stories live. Discover now