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     The world moved fast. In the blink of an eye she fell across the stratosphere and sped en route for the clouds. Unsure of what was up and what was down, there was nothing to hold her upright. Endless, Jessica could not even find the ground. Nothing but spirals of yellow, white, and blue flood her sights. When she should be worried, never had Jessica felt so free in all her life, completely unburdened and relaxed.

"In fearful day, in raging night, with strong heart full, our souls ignite. When all seems lost in the War of Light, look to the stars, for hope burns bright."

A flash of light spreads throughout the sky, pulsating like a heart beating anew.

"Jessica!" a distant cry called out to her, a voice pleading for her to look this way. But her eyes felt heavy, weighed down with shortness of breath all the while lightheaded. She hadn't been this high up without the aid of her lantern ring to protect her.


Startled, Jessica opened her eyes and found Mary hovering over her. She's return to solid ground, lying on her back with her head resting on Mary's thigh. "What's going on?"

Mary sighed heavily. She turned away, dropped her shoulders, and lowered her head to give herself a minute. "You had us nearly worried." Mary replied with a glaze over her eyes she could not hide before meeting Jessica's gaze again. "But I'm glad to see you're still with us?"

"Do you want to tell me why I'm on your lap?"

"What happen was that you fell from the sky, hours ago."

Jessica tilted her head to see straight, make sure she wasn't being lied to. "Last thing I remember, I was fighting Batman... but he wasn't Batman."

"They were the Dark Knights."

Jessica lifted her head to find the voice who gave her, her answer.


"It's ok, she not here to fight." Mary assured. 

Jessica climbed up off her back and rose to her feet. "What are you doing here?"

Bekka lifted her chin and straighten her posture. "I'm here because of how wrong I've been." she then pointed at the root of her change of heart, the sandy haired woman who stood off to the side by the front door.

"And you are?"

"Daria Zartron, former Collector of the Fifty-Two. My team and I have come to this earth because we need your help."

Jessica turned to Mary, reminded that she gave her a similar opening pitch, and watched as she quickly avoided her.

"And why me?"

"You've seen into the Tower of Light. And I know you did because this earth is still standing."

"What it is you want me to tell you?"

"You dove into the multiverse, did you see something that didn't belong?"

"Like what?"

"Something that didn't belong, like a dark spot?"

"And if I did?"

"Then I'd tell you about the demon I'm chasing, and how I believe that is where he resides. And how he's hell bent on destroying every single earth across the multiverse. His name is Barbatos. He is also the leader of the Dark Knights. The evil versions of Batman you fought."

Again Jessica turned to look to Mary for confirmation.

"They all hail from different earths. And there are seven in total. They took someone dear to a friend of mine. We need your help to find this dark spot."

Tower of Light (Under The Cowl Book #2)Where stories live. Discover now