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If you've reached this page then I'd like to think you've finished reading "Tower of Light". 

First I'd like to thank you for reading my little piece of Fan-Fiction. It's quite shorter than my first, but I never intended it to be long anyway. Nor did I expect to have it crossover with "The Lone Knight", but that's the way it seems to have played out. Which is why I would like to announce that this will be considered Book #2 in what I will name "Under The Cowl" series. 

I plan to write a third story for my "Under The Cowl" series, titled: "She Will Rein Free" centered around the New God Big Barda. Not sure when I will start posting, but I've started the story and I hope it will please those who will come by to read it once it's ready. 

Thank you all and I hope you have a good day. 

Tower of Light (Under The Cowl Book #2)Where stories live. Discover now