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     She opened the door with grave caution.

A peak out into the alley allowed Jessica to look through the crack between the hinges first. Best to make sure that no one was hiding on the other side.

The coast is clear.

She stepped out and hurried toward the main street hoping to make her getaway. Must be a slow night she figured. The usual stragglers for tonight's card game didn't bother to show up. It was a clear path down the alley. The cloud of wall to wall cigarette smoke made it easier to hide but quicker to get out. Only a few steps away and home free. Rarely did she get the chance to count her winnings. Normally it was the urge to double down with lady luck still on her side that kept the dice rolling. Luck never favored her in the past. So why push it?

Her hands in her pocket felt the folded stack of cash on her palms instead of the dusty balls of lint. For the first time she could breathe easy before going to bed. Not having to worry about a shakedown was a nice change in pace. But as Jessica watched a large man two times her size turn into the alley, perhaps she spoke too soon?

Tonight was not the night to guess if this man was a vulture or not. She remembered him standing at the bar watching everyone before she cashed out. A vulture keeps their eyes on the winners, hoping to jack them for the money they made at the tables. Jessica made a quick about-face that had her bouncing on her heels and short of breath. Not sure if it looked natural or not, all that mattered was getting out of here and getting home as fast as possible.

"You don't want to go that way."

Jessica nearly jumped out of her skin at the sound of a voice she did not recognize. Hidden in a tiny space she was about to pass, Jessica froze across from the menacing figure partially hidden from her.

He spilled into the alley blocking her only other exit.

"You know who I am, correct?"

Jessica hesitated to answer, contemplating whether if she should run or stay where she is. "Not really."

"My name is Jack T. Chance, and I run this little establishment you owe quite a hefty debt to. I'm not an impatient man, but I do get annoyed when debtors think they can violate the terms of our agreement."

"I'm no debtor to you."

"Once debtors receive a loan from me the last thing I want is to remind delinquents of their crime."

"I've paid all my debts in full. And I've never borrowed from you."

"I only pinch those who owe me and approach those associated with the delinquents who owe me."

"You talk like a cop. And you might want to check your books because I don't know anyone who owes you."

He scoffed, amused by the situation. "I'm not a cop, was a pretty good guardian once upon a time. But they kicked me out and now I do this. So, you want to pay me what you owe or are we going to have a problem."

"I don't owe you anything. And I'm not paying you shit."

"Don't spoil this first time meeting with lies." Jack gave his man behind Jessica a stern look and reached out his hand.


"My book."


Jack began to flip through his ledger until he found the page he was looking for. "Sara Cruz..., sister... Jessica Viviana Cruz. That is you? Jessica Viviana Cruz."

Tower of Light (Under The Cowl Book #2)Where stories live. Discover now