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   It was getting late. Usually Susan didn't allow herself to remain at her office after hours. Keeping to a schedule was a way of reinstalling accountability into the lives of her patients.

She looked up at the clock on the wall for the umpteenth time. Not sure how long she was going to wait, but willing the hands on her watch to slow down wasn't going bring who she was expecting here any faster. She closed her journal and sighed heavily. She tucked her pen into her pocket and stuffed her closed journal into her bag. Looking down to check and see if her keys, wallet, phone, and laptop are inside, reached for the lamp switch on her desk. And in that moment she found the person she'd been waiting outside her door.

Startled, she didn't even hear, "Rosie" approach the door.

"Hi doc, sorry I'm late. Are you leaving?"

Susan never failed to offer a gentle and welcoming smile to those she councils. She walked out from behind her desk and made her way to the couch. Rosie followed and closed the door behind her. "Have a seat. You sounded upset over the phone."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, I just really needed to talk to you and tomorrow couldn't wait."

"Well what is it?"

Rosie hesitated to answer. She folded her hands and placed them on her lap. Working up the courage to say what she came here to say, twiddled her thumbs around each other. Watching her take in a couple deep breaths, Susan could tell that it was likely easier when Rosie recited what she was going to say in her head.

"Rosie, I can tell something is troubling you, you can talk to me."

"I know. It's about Jessica."

"Jessica, and why's that?"

"She's been acting differently lately."

"Differently? What do you mean?"

"She's been very secretive lately."

"Jessica's never been very forthcoming to begin with, give her some time."

"What about the meetings she's missed? The explosion at her apartment, the late nights she spent downtown. In certain areas there's a lot of drug activity that takes place. I'm worried about her sobriety. And I fear she'll relapse."

Susan could see how worked up Rosie was getting. "Rosie, have you seen Jessica relapse?"

"No." she replied innocently. "I know how I must sound-"

"Then what makes you say otherwise?" Susan interrupted.

Rosie paused and immediately got quiet. "I may sound a little melodramatic, but it comes from a good place. At the hospital I found Jessica talking to some sketchy people and it... it made me worry. They reminded me of that new girl from group."

"What new girl are you referring to?"

"I can't recall her name. She had short orange hair."

"Casey Brinke?"

"Yes! I didn't think much of it before, but she asked me about Jessica last week. And that really worried me."

"I don't think you need to worry."

"That girl is bad news. She asked me if I like to party. You know what that means when people like her ask that kind of question."

"Jessica doesn't usually show interest in others, as I'm sure you've noticed. But she is an adult and knows how to handle herself. And if she happens to stray from the sober path, then she knows how to find us if she wants help."

Tower of Light (Under The Cowl Book #2)Where stories live. Discover now