Wake Up Call

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There aren't many love stories which give real endings. The word 'love' should not give these stories a good name. So I shall tell a true love story. A simple yet complicated love story. It is a story about a girl who doesn't know love until she meets a boy. A boy whose name she knew but never showed much interest in. A boy who, from what she had heard, broke girls' hearts in the most heartless way. Breaking up with them over the phone and breaking off all contact with them because he was ashamed of them. Or one girl, at least. This girl never approved of the things that he did, but because of the person she is, she didn't judge and label him because of that incident.

Nonetheless she showed no interest in him because, well, that's how she is. She's only ever concerned about the surroundings she wants. Always living in that castle on a cloud because the real world is one full of unhappiness and darkness. She only ever let a few people in through the grand doors of her castle.

But one day after a long break, she saw a boy she'd never seen before in the far distance. Her eyesight is bad but she was immediately drawn to this boy, his aura a beckoning call to her. Without making it obvious, she stepped closer to him to take a good look at this new boy, but she realised that it was just him. The Heartbreaker. Disappointed, she looked away. But as the day went on, he was on her mind. Constantly and consistently. She couldn't understand why.

And later on in the day, she watched him engage in conversation with a friend of hers. Their mutual friend. How had she not noticed this by now? Realising this, she chimed into the conversation. His witty remark awakened something in her that forced her not to feel insulted by him. Instead his remark left a... tingly feeling inside of her. Something she'd never felt before and therefore did not quite understand. Then he did something she didn't expect but because it was him, she was unfazed by it. He extended his hand and said words she will never forget, just because they were his: "By the way my name is Liam. Nice to meet you."
Her only reaction was a giggle.

He then turned around and said: "Wait, I know you."
Every time she remembers that moment, she smiles. She smiled at that very moment when she had to leave him. As she left, she thought that that would be the very last time she would think of him. But she was wrong. For at the place she went to after leaving him, someone spoke about him, altogether leading to a conversation about him. To them, it was just a normal conversation. But to her, it was a praise song. Something she now realises may have led to the events that followed.

Two days later she saw him again and every time she did, she smiled. They noticed each other too many times that day. So much that by the end of it, he walked up to her, took her hand and said more words she will never ever forget: "Hi. I just wanna say you look beautiful today. By the way my name is Liam."
She was so flattered. She blushed and giggled sheepishly with the words "Thank you" mumbled in between.

From that moment on, her butterflies never left her. They followed her all the way home and wherever she went. She went home happier than she had ever been for as long as she could remember. And that happiness never left her. She fell in quickly and deeply. The extra two days that she didn't see him felt longer than before. She'd never felt like this before in her life. She felt rejuvenated and whole. But there was a lingering shadow. A shadow that grew more and more everyday. For the feelings she had felt for this Heartbreaker were forbidden. Someone else felt this way about him. Someone else claimed that right.

Someone that she knew and loved. Someone whose past hurt more than her own. Someone who'd known heartbreak way more than she had. Someone who stamped the mark of "Heartbreaker" on her beloved. Her very own best friend.

Though she tried to ignore her feelings and tell herself that she would soon forget about her beloved, as time went by she realised that it wouldn't happen. Her love for him is adamant. Stubborn. Steadfast. Her guilt grew as fast as her love grew by the day for him. Her love also grew for her best friend. They became closer and she started realising that her friend's eternal heartache and pain was rooted in him. The very person she loved with all her heart, all her soul and all her mind.

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