The Fourth Stage

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Today is the day. Today is the day I finally put everything behind me. Today is the day I finally move on with my life. Things could either go really badly or really well. But I keep thinking about what could happen if things could really go well. Lately things have been moving in that direction.

We started talking in the past few months and he started putting things in my head. Happy thoughts. His words confirmed that there could be something between the two of us. His actions too. Like how we flirted on occasions. But the flirting did stop for a while and instead he became more of a friend. But that is because of the hectic times that came upon us. We had begun the final lap of the race and everyone was ignoring everyone in an attempt to finish the race well. Today is the last day of the final lap of the race. I figured that the pressure would be off him and so I would talk to him with ease, hence the date I had chosen.

Everything will soon be great. But why is everything in my system telling me to stop? Why does my gut turn whenever I think of that moment? Truth be told, there is a 98% chance that I will have to walk away from him. But one can still dream... right?

Things have been great. We talk like we never stopped talking before, nowadays. He always manages to put a smile on my face and adds the extra comment that shouldn't be mentioned given our situation. But that just shows me that he hasn't forgotten. Just like me. And what confirmed that was the way he said goodbye to me on the last day I saw him. After that, I am content knowing that he feels the same way as I do. And maybe in the future we could have something. Hopefully.

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