One last letter...

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I like to think that I've moved on. I won't lie, I'm doing great without you. I'm enjoying life and I feel better than I thought I would when I was still in love with you. But you still enter my mind. And I still let you. Involuntarily. Before I would either smile or cry whenever you did. Now I do neither. I don't know what feeling overcomes me when I think of you. But I do know this. I still love you. And I feel almost shameful to say that I likely always will.

Yes, I was in love with you. But now I love you. There's a difference. I seek no romantic relationship with you. I wouldn't mind a friendship, but I do not seek one either. Even though all of this is true, I still love you. You will always own that soft spot in my heart. However I do have a request.

That soft spot you own makes it difficult for me to even think of falling in love again. Therefore I kindly request that when I meet someone new, someone who is meant for me and is specially made for me, please give him a chance to build a home in my heart too. Let him move into the castle you once owned, let him change whatever he needs to change to make his stay more comfortable and let him expand it if he really wants to. And most importantly, let him have the key to my heart. I know you've done me a favour by moving into a smaller place, but please make it easier for him and me to fall in love again. This is my very last request from you.

No, I'm not asking you to move out. I've learnt it is very difficult to get you to from past experiences and attempts. Though if you don't mind, please do. It'll mean a lot to me and him. After all, the more space, the better, right? You of all people would know that.

In conclusion, enter my thoughts as much as you want, you may even visit your old castle if you like, but do not enter it. And please, I beg of you, let my soulmate have his rightful place when he comes around. Please.

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