Chapter 6 Goodbye For Now

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A/N: On the sidebar 'Midea', is the picture of Harry Styles <3 *an annoying fangirl scream* ;) 

 Harry’s POV

I open my eyes and look down at the clock to see what time it is. Its 8 in the morning and the bus leaves at 11… great! I’m not even packed. My head hurts and my ears are still ringing from the loud music at the club last night. All of a sudden, I feel someone moving under my arm. I look and its Mitchelle. She starts wiggling her nose around and I have to chuckle a little bit. I really cant wait for this tour to be over. America has been great but I’m ready to just relax and chill out with the mates and my family. Plus, Mitchelle will be there and I cant wait to show her how much fun England is.

After a couple of minutes, I see Louis wake up…

Louis: Mornin’ mate!

Me: Mornin’! (I groan out)

Louis: What time did you go to sleep last night?

Me: Not too long after you. Just talked to Mitchelle a little and then passed out. Thinking about it, I really hope I didn’t fall asleep when she was talking. (I laugh)

Louis: Hmm… should I be concerned I’m being replaced?

Me: I don’t know why you care since you have Eleanor? (I chuckle)

Louis: Fair enough! (He laughs) but seriously mate, anything happen between you to last night?

Me: No, I guess we just fell asleep like this. There isn’t anything going on.

Louis: Lies! You didn’t see you two on the dance floor last night. You danced with her the entire time and you two stayed close to each other all night. Not even just at the club, but before and back here too. As you can see. (He winks)

Me: I didn’t even notice that. (I laugh)

Louis: Are you interested in her?

Me: I don’t know. Its not like me and her have ever been alone. She’s fun to be around and I don’t know, things are just really friendly between us right now.

Louis: Alright, alright. Stop freaking out right now.

Me: I’m not. I just literally don’t know what to say. (I laugh)

Mitchelle starts to wake up under my arm before she looks up and smiles at me. But I guess she didn’t realize she was laying under my arm cause she pops up really quick and adjusts herself.

Mitchelle: I’m so sorry. Didn’t mean to invade your space like that! I move a lot in my sleep.

Me: No worries, babe! (I laugh) Did you sleep well?

Mitchelle: Like a baby. I didn’t realize how tired I was.

Me: Good, I’m glad. (I smile) well, I gotta go pack up. You and Jess can help yourselves to whatever is in the kitchen or order room service! It doesn’t matter.

Mitchelle: Okay, thanks.

I show Mitchelle another smile before I get off the couch and wake up the rest of the boys. I know none of them were ready to head out for our next stop of the tour. We all get packed up and ready. When I’m done, I go back outside to the kitchen. The girls got room service for all of us and I’m beyond relieved.

Me: Thank god, I’m starving. (I join the girls at the table)

Jess: We figured. After last night, we figured you guys would be hungry. (She laughs) I still cant get over how crazy last night was though! I don’t want you guys to leave.

Me: (I laugh) I’m gonna miss you too Jess. Make sure you visit Mitchelle when she’s in England. I’m sure we’ll see you again.

Jess: I keep forgetting you’re leaving me too. This is gonna be the longest we’ve ever been separated.

Me: Just curious, how long have you guys known each other?

Mitchelle: We’ve been friends since we were four actually. We’ve always played soccer together and have always gone to the same school.

Me: WOW! That’s pretty lucky, yeah?

Jess: VERY! (She chuckles) so you can understand why I’m dreading this upcoming semester.

Mitchelle: Don’t worry, Jess. We’ll skype every day.

Jess: Stop lying. Me and you both know how bad you are with staying in touch.

Me: How bad are you?

Jess: HA, one time she left me for a month to go out of town with her family. Not ONE text message the whole time.

Me: Not one?

Jess: No!

Me: Mitchelle, c’mon!

Mitchelle: I’m working on it.

We all start to laugh when the rest of the guys join us at the table.

Niall: This is NOT enough food. We are going to have to make a stop before we get on the road, lads.

Jess: Niall, you’re gonna get fat. (She laughs)

Niall: No, I don’t think its possible. I think my stomach is like a super stomach or something. (He chuckles)

After talking for a while, our manager Paul comes in and says its time for us to head out. Me and all the guys get our bags and everyone heads downstairs. Once we load up the bus, we all head over to the girls at Mitchelle’s car and say our goodbyes. Paul is rushing us so all the guys, except for me, run to the bus.

Me: I guess I’ll see you in a couple of weeks.

Mitchelle: Hopefully! Just remember to text me? You know if you’re not too busy and all. (She laughs)

Me: You have my number! It works both ways! (I laugh)

Mitchelle: I’m not a popstar in a boy band though. Soo…

Me: Fair enough. (I chuckle) I’ll text you then!

Mitchelle shows me a soft smile and we actually end up staring at each other before we hear a MASSIVE honk come from the tour bus. We both start laughing when we see it was Niall and turn our attention back to each other…

Me: I better go… but I’ll text you. Okay?

Mitchelle nods her head with so much doubt in her eyes, and though she doesn’t believe me, I will text her. I bring her in for another around the neck hug before Paul yells for me to get on the bus. When we pull out of the hug, I show her one last smile before I turn and head to the bus.

Louis: What was that? (He laughs)

Me: Piss off, Lou.

Louis laughs at me before I feel the bus start to move. I look out the window as we pull off, I see Mitchelle and Jess waving at us from the car. Me and the boys wave back and I really just keep looking at Mitchelle realizing…

I’m already kinda missing her…

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